Thanks Patrick, will have a look. Do you actually recommend we add it, is there a lot of benefit to my fitness of doing so? Obviously it is good to do, and I have done in the past however it doesn't seem a big focus within the plans. Also with limited time, just want to try to manage/balance the workouts that are most critical. Thanks!!
Thanks Paul, appreciate it. I am not in the over 50 club just yet...but certainly not a spring chicken at 41 so maybe good to give it a go. Also thinking about selling my weight machine and going to all free weights. Will I miss anything by doing so?
Thanks Chris and np on the caps, ;-). I am more convinced to sell the weight machine, just to big, and get more free weights as needed. I just need to find the equivalent exercises for things like pull downs.
I can go on and on...but I think besides the core work there is a HUGE benefit to stability work and "dynamic strength" training. The evidence has gone against some of the previously popular unstable surface (boshi balls etc)”stability” strength training but there is still some value there{whole ‘nuther topic}......what I am actually talking about is Adding athletic movements and focused strength work at oblique angles to the repetitive stresses of swim/bike run. For example...I lost a lot of posterior chain strength as well as developed piriformis pain...this was improved with lateral motion drills and Kettlebell swings and such. Much can be done with -and I’m becoming more a fan of- bodyweight training particularly when you can develop gymnastic strength (watch the rings sometime) w/o much muscle bulk. Will squats make you a faster long course cyclists...ehh...maybe some...or not. Can having muscular imbalances corrected and accessory muscles strengthened improve your chances for a healthy season =get more out of bike/run IMHO absolutely. It is NO LESS important as a younger just have a greater reserve and recovery ability that us oldies no longer can crutch on.
BTW a pull up bar with multi grips, straps for hanging knee rises (if your grip sucks like mine) and a good place to hang tubing for dryland drills is only about 40 bucks. Also much better WKO than pull down bar and less likely to cause injury. AND works well for a volume (low bulk high strength) program. Put in doorway to kitchen/bathroom whatever…someplace that you pass through several times per day…then every time you go under…you do about 3 less than your current max pull ups (I do different grips for variety as well)….then w/o doing anything else when you re test in a few weeks be amazed with how much stronger you are… Oh and assist devises (tubing you step in) or a chair can be used if 1-2 are to hard (start with chair and negatives)
I tell ya David, you just have so much info to share and I LOVE IT! Thank you! Question- do you happen to have a good routine to follow? @ Dawn- did you find a good routine to follow??
OK.... Here is a list of stuff from some notes I took in setting up my Core/Hip/glute training. There is also some band work for shoulders which should look familiar. KB= kettle bells, DB= dumb bells Wouldn't let me highlight my faves/recomended ones....I listed my favorites at bottom.... Lots to look at.....others are good and may be superior for your level of strength -some I find "too Easy" such as clamb shells w/o adding bands+ weight....others are ADVANCED only =ie Full Scorpions
General "rule": pick 2-3 Exersizes that you can do in the 8-10 rep range and do 3X6-8reps; Try and pick another that is doable up to arround 20 and do up to the point you feel your form failing (using body English etc) and do 1-3 sets of those; also If you can find an exersize that you struggle with doing more than 3-4 at (might be by adding weight/bands etc)...then do 1-3 sets of as many as you can w/o loosing form. Some exersizes will seem easy and others not so much....also by changing the movement/exersize periodicly you will chalange the target muscles differently as well. If you find a few you like and want me to coment on selection and target muscles etc Id be happy to. Also any interest in a couple "metabolic WKOs" or General strength program stuff Id be happy to coment-start a unique forum topic etc. I posted these as they are My focous due to found weeknesses in myself. I also do Pull up/Pushup and -though I don't like sit ups for many resons- do a situp test prep training as it is needed for Army. Again your needs may differ.
TRI WORKOUT NOTES: Glute M./Hip stabilizers 1) Hip Hike –stand on 1 leg on short box shift opposite hip up& down for reps. 2) Clamshells- with Bands at knees OR with ‘top’leg @ 90deg (with ankle wt); w/ both legs elivated 3) 1Leg+1(opposite)Arm Romanian Dead Lift (KB or DB); Balance Body weight version with reach across foot 4) Figure 4 bridges-cross non-working leg ankle on knee of opposite leg, perform laying bridges for 20-30+ counts 5) Bridges (and variations: 1-2leg curl on ball, 1 leg lifts w/ w/o Ball; 1-leg Lift w/ opposite arm swing over head on floor etc) + added ankle weight 6) Dowel Lunges- hold broomstick (grips up n’ down)behind back to maintain strict posture, perform split leg squat/ with back knee touch/front 90/90. 7) Lat band walk- ankle band shuffle step side to side 8) LAYING str Leg lift + HANGING str Leg lift (both to 90deg) 9) V-ups (supported upper torso to focus on hip flexors past 90 deg) 10) Lateral jumps/speed skaters 11) Kuroki AKA “Grapevine” –running twisters (both directions); Side shuffle run (both directions) 12) Flying Dog-Flying Dirty Dog AKA "Fire Hydrant" & progression+ bands/ankle weights 13) Side to Side Lunges; also: Kasich style and toes forward style 14) Slow-Mo Running while laying on side 15) {stretches AFTER DYNAMIC WU} Fig 4s, Windmill stretch, Lunge w/ side bend overhead arms, Stand (lunge) and extend (reach FWD); etc
UPPER BODY (band work) 1) Bent Over ½ pulls –bend at elbow through to across from ears. 2) Kneeling Over shoulder FWD rotations –bend to horizontal keep shoulders up 3) Bent Over Full Pulls- from 2/3rds back to full extended at hips 4) Standing straight arm –Alt Arm up down (pull from behind) 5) Triceps Overhead -extend triceps from elbows. 6) Recovery drill-from bent over, reverse of ½ pulls extending from 90deg down to horizontal w/o moving arm. 7) Wrist weight Bent over swim sim- 8-20 min sets with high speed last min each set (don’t try and swing arm during recovery-only simulate entry through catch and pull). 8) Standing lift to rear- low bands pull w/strait arms back from sides 9) Plyo –PU: PPU floor to single med ball-PPU back to floor
ABS 1) “Beaches” (both directions); in circle both directions 2) Cross straight leg crunches 3) Spiderman climbers; Spiderman Push ups 4) X-mountain climbers; place sports bottle on back w/Mt Climbers 5) Scorpions Laying; Scorpions from plank variations; Full Scorpions (with leg unders) 6) Side plank w/reach unders; w/”pumping”; X-lift 7) Dynamic Plank on Ball-Jacks, spidermans etc. 8) 1 Arm Planks: From Plank on elbows rotate supporting arm to across body, other arm place hand in small of back. Hold shoulders level. Switch after every 5-10 count. 9) Ball Roll outs; Walk outs (kneeling, standing) w, w/o torso twist 10) Stab Ball Taps- from Plank w/feet on ball swing leg off ball and tap toe, replace… ADV: add PU between 11) Seated Bicycles 12) Stability ball Pass 13) “The Matrix”, w/ holding weight 14) Death Crawl: Bear crawl w/ dumbbells 15) Body saw & Tri-extensions w/variations 16) Panther walk: rhythmic same side knee up to back elbow, Reach this hand FWD as opposite leg raises FWD to that side elbow… 17) Side lying 2 leg raise; ¾ side lying with rech-1leg raise (keep bottom leg slt. Elevated) 18) One sided Squats: Squat to full depth with moderate weight in one hand –hung down(DB/KB). Feet only shoulder width apart, stand up…then squat back down for reps. Keep ABS tight and NO LEANING; ALT version hold weight in “Rack” position and perform.
KB (Abs-post chain & shoulder) 1) Side press, Bent Press 2) Windmill 3) Swings (2hand, 1 hand); cleans; clean & press 4) Turkish getups 5) 2-hand alternating shoulder press; 2-hand shoulder press, 1-hand shoulder press 6) 1 Side(Arm) Squats w/ Press: as Above with shoulder press from the rack at top of standing movement. Lower to rack before squat or advanced hold in overhead press till at bottom of squat then return to rack prior to standing from bottom of squat.
RECOMENDED: Romanian Dead Lift + reach across Figure 4 bridges Bridges w/o Ball 1-leg Lift speed skaters Grapevine Beaches –laying on back knees up feet off floor move sidewise across floor using only a alternating upper body/hip lift and twisting movement. Go in both directions for time or distance. Spiderman Push ups X-mountain climbers Side plank w/reach unders & X-lift (legs in “v” 1 Arm Planks Walk outs (kneeling, standing) w, w/o torso twist Death Crawl: Bear crawl w/ dumbbells Body saw & Tri-extensions w/variations Side lying 2 leg raise; ¾ side lying with rech-1leg raise (keep bottom leg slt. Elevated) One sided Squats KB Windmill KB Swings (2hand, 1 hand) KB Turkish getups
This week got crazy busy so I just didn't get a chance to respond, but I looked through all your exercises and I think I have an "idea" of where I need to focus! Now it is just figuring out when to do it! I don't want the routine to take away from my training workouts! Thinking Monday and Fridays with the swims? So much to think about!! Thanks again for taking the time to share. I now have somewhat of a plan in motion.....
@ Laura – your welcome. I typically would recommend Mon, FRI post swim days. Upper body work (strength) will take a secondary position as the season progresses. I’d focus on lower rep/higher resistance to establish strength –particularly in shoulder girdle/lats, core (TVA) and posterior chain. Now and then transition to more moderate resistance with higher reps as season progresses –primarily as strength maintenance –possibly dropping the strength training (except hip stabilizers) in last month before race. Kinda EN styled…Strong first then add endurance…. If you don’t have weights look at bands…if no bands look at body weight moves that you struggle to achieve 3 or 4 reps with good form and take 2 full minutes between each set doing 3 or so sets. Also doing single sets spaced out throughout the day is very effective in developing pure strength. After 4-6 weeks switch to 6-12 reps with less rest time between sets.(less resistance)Moves such as KB swings can be done to higher reps such as 3x sets of 30 building up more reps as strength and endurance improves. Let me know what your focus is and I can narrow things down a bit.
@ David- Thank you so much for taking the time to help me out! Sorry it took so long for me to respond....week after school vacation and the kids have been a little crazy and it takes a few days to get back into the swing! LONG week. So glad tomorrow is Friday! Anyways, I thought I had a good idea of what I was going to do, but well...I just haven't implemented it yet! Will plan to do strength Monday and Fridays after swim. Would like to do core 3 X a week. Now I just need to get a good plan and START it! Everyday I tell myself I will figure it out and begin, but there never seems to be time (as always lol). Anyways, thanks again for your advice and giving me a great place to start!!!
@Laura. I may be slow to post as I am on leave for a few days. The wiki has good stuff in it and deserves a look. My current focous is on improving my Army fitness test.-sit up pushup and 2 mile run.....and on pre/rehab for ITband/hip and shoulder. I have a few "go to" core and full body WKO'S i like for anywhere use i can post when i can get on it. Do you have trouble spots/strength deficiencies? -situp training doesnt help swim/run core....different muscles for example. Non TRI focous next few days!
Also thinking about selling my weight machine and going to all free weights. Will I miss anything by doing so?
Please go here to the OutSeason main page and read the strength training stuff in the Additional Materials section.
I'm moving this thread out of the Macro Forum, so you'll get more eyeballs on it.
Sorry-meant to italicize, not yell.
For example...I lost a lot of posterior chain strength as well as developed piriformis pain...this was improved with lateral motion drills and Kettlebell swings and such. Much can be done with -and I’m becoming more a fan of- bodyweight training particularly when you can develop gymnastic strength (watch the rings sometime) w/o much muscle bulk. Will squats make you a faster long course cyclists...ehh...maybe some...or not. Can having muscular imbalances corrected and accessory muscles strengthened improve your chances for a healthy season =get more out of bike/run IMHO absolutely. It is NO LESS important as a younger just have a greater reserve and recovery ability that us oldies no longer can crutch on.
I tell ya David, you just have so much info to share and I LOVE IT! Thank you! Question- do you happen to have a good routine to follow? @ Dawn- did you find a good routine to follow??
KB= kettle bells, DB= dumb bells
Wouldn't let me highlight my faves/recomended ones....I listed my favorites at bottom.... Lots to look at.....others are good and may be superior for your level of strength -some I find "too Easy" such as clamb shells w/o adding bands+ weight....others are ADVANCED only =ie Full Scorpions
General "rule": pick 2-3 Exersizes that you can do in the 8-10 rep range and do 3X6-8reps; Try and pick another that is doable up to arround 20 and do up to the point you feel your form failing (using body English etc) and do 1-3 sets of those; also If you can find an exersize that you struggle with doing more than 3-4 at (might be by adding weight/bands etc)...then do 1-3 sets of as many as you can w/o loosing form. Some exersizes will seem easy and others not so much....also by changing the movement/exersize periodicly you will chalange the target muscles differently as well.
If you find a few you like and want me to coment on selection and target muscles etc Id be happy to. Also any interest in a couple "metabolic WKOs" or General strength program stuff Id be happy to coment-start a unique forum topic etc. I posted these as they are My focous due to found weeknesses in myself. I also do Pull up/Pushup and -though I don't like sit ups for many resons- do a situp test prep training as it is needed for Army. Again your needs may differ.
Glute M./Hip stabilizers
1) Hip Hike –stand on 1 leg on short box shift opposite hip up& down for reps.
2) Clamshells- with Bands at knees OR with ‘top’leg @ 90deg (with ankle wt); w/ both legs elivated
3) 1Leg+1(opposite)Arm Romanian Dead Lift (KB or DB); Balance Body weight version with reach across foot
4) Figure 4 bridges-cross non-working leg ankle on knee of opposite leg, perform laying bridges for 20-30+ counts
5) Bridges (and variations: 1-2leg curl on ball, 1 leg lifts w/ w/o Ball; 1-leg Lift w/ opposite arm swing over head on floor etc) + added ankle weight
6) Dowel Lunges- hold broomstick (grips up n’ down)behind back to maintain strict posture, perform split leg squat/ with back knee touch/front 90/90.
7) Lat band walk- ankle band shuffle step side to side
8) LAYING str Leg lift + HANGING str Leg lift (both to 90deg)
9) V-ups (supported upper torso to focus on hip flexors past 90 deg)
10) Lateral jumps/speed skaters
11) Kuroki AKA “Grapevine” –running twisters (both directions); Side shuffle run (both directions)
12) Flying Dog-Flying Dirty Dog AKA "Fire Hydrant" & progression+ bands/ankle weights
13) Side to Side Lunges; also: Kasich style and toes forward style
14) Slow-Mo Running while laying on side
15) {stretches AFTER DYNAMIC WU} Fig 4s, Windmill stretch, Lunge w/ side bend overhead arms, Stand (lunge) and extend (reach FWD); etc
UPPER BODY (band work)
1) Bent Over ½ pulls –bend at elbow through to across from ears.
2) Kneeling Over shoulder FWD rotations –bend to horizontal keep shoulders up
3) Bent Over Full Pulls- from 2/3rds back to full extended at hips
4) Standing straight arm –Alt Arm up down (pull from behind)
5) Triceps Overhead -extend triceps from elbows.
6) Recovery drill-from bent over, reverse of ½ pulls extending from 90deg down to horizontal w/o moving arm.
7) Wrist weight Bent over swim sim- 8-20 min sets with high speed last min each set (don’t try and swing arm during recovery-only simulate entry through catch and pull).
8) Standing lift to rear- low bands pull w/strait arms back from sides
9) Plyo –PU: PPU floor to single med ball-PPU back to floor
1) “Beaches” (both directions); in circle both directions
2) Cross straight leg crunches
3) Spiderman climbers; Spiderman Push ups
4) X-mountain climbers; place sports bottle on back w/Mt Climbers
5) Scorpions Laying; Scorpions from plank variations; Full Scorpions (with leg unders)
6) Side plank w/reach unders; w/”pumping”; X-lift
7) Dynamic Plank on Ball-Jacks, spidermans etc.
8) 1 Arm Planks: From Plank on elbows rotate supporting arm to across body, other arm place hand in small of back. Hold shoulders level. Switch after every 5-10 count.
9) Ball Roll outs; Walk outs (kneeling, standing) w, w/o torso twist
10) Stab Ball Taps- from Plank w/feet on ball swing leg off ball and tap toe, replace… ADV: add PU between
11) Seated Bicycles
12) Stability ball Pass
13) “The Matrix”, w/ holding weight
14) Death Crawl: Bear crawl w/ dumbbells
15) Body saw & Tri-extensions w/variations
16) Panther walk: rhythmic same side knee up to back elbow, Reach this hand FWD as opposite leg raises FWD to that side elbow…
17) Side lying 2 leg raise; ¾ side lying with rech-1leg raise (keep bottom leg slt. Elevated)
18) One sided Squats: Squat to full depth with moderate weight in one hand –hung down(DB/KB). Feet only shoulder width apart, stand up…then squat back down for reps. Keep ABS tight and NO LEANING; ALT version hold weight in “Rack” position and perform.
KB (Abs-post chain & shoulder)
1) Side press, Bent Press
2) Windmill
3) Swings (2hand, 1 hand); cleans; clean & press
4) Turkish getups
5) 2-hand alternating shoulder press; 2-hand shoulder press, 1-hand shoulder press
6) 1 Side(Arm) Squats w/ Press: as Above with shoulder press from the rack at top of standing movement. Lower to rack before squat or advanced hold in overhead press till at bottom of squat then return to rack prior to standing from bottom of squat.
Romanian Dead Lift + reach across
Figure 4 bridges
Bridges w/o Ball 1-leg Lift
speed skaters
Beaches –laying on back knees up feet off floor move sidewise across floor using only a alternating upper body/hip lift and twisting movement. Go in both directions for time or distance.
Spiderman Push ups
X-mountain climbers
Side plank w/reach unders & X-lift (legs in “v”
1 Arm Planks
Walk outs (kneeling, standing) w, w/o torso twist
Death Crawl: Bear crawl w/ dumbbells
Body saw & Tri-extensions w/variations
Side lying 2 leg raise; ¾ side lying with rech-1leg raise (keep bottom leg slt. Elevated)
One sided Squats
KB Windmill
KB Swings (2hand, 1 hand)
KB Turkish getups
Wow...didn't mean to kill the topic !
Basically you can get good strength training with what is available....
1) identify any weaknesses
2) develop goals
3) look at available equipment/time/resources
4) determine if you will need to purchase equipment, join fitness center/gym, how much time/frequency ....
Then a good plan can be developed in general....
Then ..look at your timeliness for AAA race and develop a periodization/maintenance plan that fits with the above constraints.
This is why telling someone to "got to go do big quads" or "focus on core" have little benefit.
I'd be happy to whittle my list down for anyone wants me to based on equipment/focous/frequency/time etc.
This week got crazy busy so I just didn't get a chance to respond, but I looked through all your exercises and I think I have an "idea" of where I need to focus! Now it is just figuring out when to do it! I don't want the routine to take away from my training workouts! Thinking Monday and Fridays with the swims? So much to think about!! Thanks again for taking the time to share. I now have somewhat of a plan in motion.....
@ David- Thank you so much for taking the time to help me out! Sorry it took so long for me to respond....week after school vacation and the kids have been a little crazy and it takes a few days to get back into the swing! LONG week. So glad tomorrow is Friday! Anyways, I thought I had a good idea of what I was going to do, but well...I just haven't implemented it yet! Will plan to do strength Monday and Fridays after swim. Would like to do core 3 X a week. Now I just need to get a good plan and START it! Everyday I tell myself I will figure it out and begin, but there never seems to be time (as always lol). Anyways, thanks again for your advice and giving me a great place to start!!!