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2013 Customer Survey Summary

Folks - 

Super excited to publish our Executive Summary from the 2013 Customer Survey. A huge THANK YOU to everyone who participated in it...your feedback helps us get better, and we are working on it! Coach Patrick posted a quick podcast review of the results today...you can listen to it online here -- but feel free to put your comments in this thread as well.  

Note -- the PDF file is also attached to this post and is available for download via a link at the bottom. 

2013 Annual Survey Summary


A total of 118 folks took our Annual Team Survey, which is approximately 20% of Endurance Nation membership. The average age of the respondent was 45 years, with 70% men and 30% women answering.


Membership Overview & Race Experience

Almost ? of you joined the Team because a friend told you to. More than 25% of you joined the Team after finding us on Google (you crazy people) with third place putting 24% of you finding Endurance Nation via an article we had written. [View Chart]


85% of you joined the Team directly, while 15% of you upgraded your training plan to join.


45% of you have a local tri club teammate on TeamEN too, which is pretty cool. Some of you have more than five local teammates on EN! [View Chart Below]


When we asked how long you had been on the Team the answers were almost divided into thirds between Less Than One Year, One to Two Years and Three or More Years. Go Team!  [View Chart Below]


A third of you have referred someone to the Team -- THANKS!!! Clearly our brainwashing protocol needs some refinement for 2014 and beyond.


The 118 people who responded to the survey completed 484 events, an average of four races per person. The most popular race distances were Sprint & Olympic races, followed closely by Half Iron/70.3s and Half Marathons. The least popular event choice was a tie between an AquaBike (the orange bar) and an UltraRun. [View Chart Below]  To prepare for your races, 83% of you completed the OutSeason plan, followed by the Ironman, Get Faster and Half Ironman plans.


Training Camps

Only 15% of you actually attended an Endurance Nation Training Camp (full list here); hopefully that will change as our camps have expanded to several new race venues this year!


Camp Feedback included notes to the effect of:


    Reduce the cost of camp for members;



    Offer more support on the bike and run courses (official rest stops);



    Assign “pre-reading” to the campers so they know what to be ready for;



    Offer a Day One “newbie” session to make sure the new folks are up-to-speed.



Key Race Experience

Only ? of you participated in a 2013 Key Race -- events that had both coaches and a significant Team Endurance Nation presence. Hopefully this will improve as the program grows! Those of you who did attend an EN race offered some of the following input:


    The pre-race threads are great!



    Do a better job of getting athletes to mingle at Team Dinners;



    Offer a First-Time sit down with the coaches to address their nerves / concerns.



    Better notifications of website activity.



    Consider pairing new members with Veteran members.



    Pre-Race call for members to connect with one another (not just listen to the coaches).



When we asked what else we could do at race venues, 69% of you requested more meet up options and 48% of you wanted more family activities. Other feedback included:


    Designating a single post race meet up opportunity.



    Better representation at Ironman finish lines after 10pm / coaches should not leave early.



    More pre-race organized training, like group swims, etc.



84% of you wanted access to a text messaging service to stay in touch with the Team over Race Weekend. We had issues with GroupMe this year only accepting 50 members per group and are working on a private label alternative for our bigger events.


90% of you receive our weekly update emails, and 94% of you want to keep receiving emails in the future vs banner notifications or group messages.


Weekly Coach Chats

We currently hold coach chats on Monday nights at 8pm EST / 5pm PST. Based on the feedback, you would prefer Wednesday or Tuesday evenings at 9pm EST.


While everyone knows we have a Race Director (Brenda Ross), a full 25% of you have no idea what she does!


Only 10% of you have ever served as an Endurance Nation Race Captain.


Website Feedback

90% of you login to Endurance Nation at least once a day, with the remaining 10% just visiting once a week. 63% of you use the mobile site to view your daily workouts: http://members.endurancenation.us/mobile/


Website feedback was really informative, and included suggestions such as:


    Improved search functionality



    Better notifications



    Improved mobile access



    Ability to view the full training plan



    Ability to reply to forums via email



    Remove Macro/Micro Threads from the “unread” view



    Please finish the three year plan in the wiki



    Integrated training zones into the workouts



    Ability to view multiple test results



    Better search, better search, better search.



80% of you have participated in a race or training group on the website (here), with most of you enjoying the motivation (78%) and knowledge of your teammates (74%).


Support Channel

40% of you have used our support channel, and 85% of you say it is Above Average or Excellent. Only one person said it was Below Average...which is still one too many. We’re on it!


Improving Resources

All of you watch the Coach Videos and Podcasts, which is great!  There was also some great feedback on what else could be added to the wiki, including:


    Tips for specific races



    Clean up all the broken links in the wiki (from the website transition)



    The Half Iron section seems incomplete;



    Specifics on particular gear / equipment;



    More transition / race information;



Racing in 2014

85% of you are planning to do an Ironman this year. A whopping 90% of you said you would stay in an “official” Endurance Nation block of rooms or adjacent condos on race weekend. Most of you just need one room over race weekend (80%) with the most of you spending between $150 and $250 a night on lodging.


Team Sponsorships

People like our sponsorships, but have requested that we look into several other areas, including:


    Bikes and bike shoes, etc.



    Strava Premium discount;






    Reduced price Endurance Nation gear;



    Figure out how to get the “sponsored” athletes back in EN kit instead of some other brand;



    Online triathlon shop(s);



    Yurbuds, Garmin, UnderArmor,etc….



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