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Announcement: FirstTimeFinish Guarantee


You have likely seen some buzz, on the dashboard, our blog, and on Facebook, about our latest initiative, the FirstTimeFinish™ Guarantee.


Bottom Line: If you train with Endurance Nation, start your first Ironman, and don’t finish the race, for any reason, we will pay your registration for your next Ironman, up to $700. Learn more here.
Interested in applying for the FTF Guarantee?

Please go here

Executive Summary & What This Means for You (as a TeamEN Member):

  • Who is eligible?

    Members of Team Endurance Nation training for their first Ironman finish. If you DNF’ed on your first attempt, you are also eligible for this program.

  • Sounds great! What’s the catch?

    Not so much a catch, but rather a list of requirements that you’ll have to fulfill in route to your race, in order to maintain your end of the FTF Guarantee bargain -- including a signed agreement that you have never completed an Ironman or Ironman distance event. These requirements are actions that have been proven, across thousands of TeamEN athletes, to increase your chances of finishing your Ironman:

  • I’m not a first timer. Can I still access the FTF Program content?

    Yes! Everything we build for the FTF Program will be accessible to and usable by Members of Team Endurance Nation -- it will help you be a better athlete and racer. However, only TeamEN Members that are formally accepted into the FTF Program -- having applied -- will be allowed to be members of the FTF Group. This is an administrative requirement, so that RnP know that everyone who is in
    this admin bucket has been accepted into the FTF Guarantee, we can track fulfillment of their requirements, etc.

  • If I DNF, do I get an envelope of cash by midnight on race day?

    Sorry, but no. But when you sign up for your next Ironman®  or Iron-distance event, and submit your receipt, we’ll reimburse you the cost up to $700. Done.

  • If I DNF, and EN pays for my next race, do I have to continue to train with TeamEN?

    Nope. Of course, we’re going to bust our assess, and make sure you bust yours, on the front end of your race. And if we fail you, we’ll work even harder to fix it the second time. But our long standing policy is that you are free to cancel your membership at any time, for any reason, no questions asked. The FTF Guarantee doesn’t change that commitment.

Interested in applying for the FTF Guarantee?

Please go here

Please Refer Your Friends to the FTF

We hope you feel that the FTF is a demonstration of our commitment to continuing to raise the bar and standing behind our work. If you know a first-time Ironman athlete who could benefit, please direct them to the
FTF Guarantee page to learn more. And, if they note you as a referral when they create their FREE trial membership:

  • They receive a 30-day vs 7-day trial -- a $109 value!

  • If they decide to remain a member at the conclusion of their trial, you get a FREE month of membership!

Complete details, tools, materials, and the application process are under construction. For now you can view the complete FirstTimeFinish™ Guarantee page online here.

We’ll be back soon with a more official announcement, but we just wanted to give you a heads up in the meantime.

Thanks for reading and for continuing to make Team Endurance Nation the best place to train and race triathlon!


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