Stefan Reiter's 2014 Micro Season
Hi coach-P - please critique/review/revise my GetFaster-2-HIM plan transition hack!
Macro-plan from Rich would call out for 2 test weeks (GF#8 and HIM#12) which is basically not an issue thx to your great advice how to deal with that!
My situation is now that we have a local 10k race on 4/4 which I want to use as my run-test!
I marked the test-workouts in red!
TrainingPeaks PerformanceManager calcuates a TSB of -12 for the bike test (25/3) and +8 for the run (4/4) ... not sure if I should shuffle things around a bit to bring up TSB for the bike test?
Awaiting your valuable input

Sorry for being tedious coach but this question is still waiting for an answer/approval
Mon - Swim Test
Tues - Day Off
Wed - Bike Test
Thu - Bike/Run
Fri - Day Off
Sat - As Planned
Sun - As Planned
This way you get a bit more rest before the bike...your Thursday workout will NOT be fun....but this adjustment is all about the test!
As for the run, since it's a 10k not a 5k, I suggest that you drop the Wednesday brick run...have that be bike only. And check out the new 10k pacing stuff in the wiki...just posted it in the Run section last week!
I acutally dropped into HIM Adv. plan and will enter week #13 next week. Plan calls out for bike Vo2 intervals followed by a brick run on Wednesday. Due to work constraints I will most likely not be able to do that.
Would it be ok to extend the run by 15' WU and do it in the morning and the bike portion in the evening?
I'm also worried a bit about the Vo2 stuff will strongly affect the long run the next day if I do it in the evening ....
So the Vo2 session is more important than the run and I should try to maximize downtime before the long run correct?
I just got informed that I've to go for a 1 week business trip to Taiwan starting this Sunday!
I don't know how the gym of the hotel will look like as I actually don't have a confirmed hotel room but I'm pretty sure I will have the opportunity to run.
I may have a chance on more or less usable bike-trainer and there will most likely be a pool too.
Should I try to make this week some sort of Run/Swim focused with just some short but hard Z5 stuff on the bike (if available at all)?
Feel free to inspire me with any thoughts on this short term situation?
I am not wedded to that plan I just made up...again, 45 minutes a day except for doing your best to keep that long run...remember the trip out and trip back is the worst part.
Awesome stuff here
I think I'll have a lot more time for training this time so I scheduled 3 swims for the morning as they don't start working early in Asia so I can easily do the swims from 6-7AM.
On Saturday I hope not to work so I'll have a lot of time which is why I extended you plan there.
I'm not sure if this is better located in the Macro or Micro thread so please feel free to forward this to Coach R if better suited there.
Returning from my Taiwan trip I managed to catch a pretty bad angina from my girl for which my doc prescribed me 10-day antibiotics so no training for 10 consecutive days
Officially I'm in week #14 of the HIM Adv plan and if I really have to finish the whole 10-days (I'll talk to my doc next week once more) I'll be back to training at week #16.
I really don't care about the RR#1 but I'm missing a lot of the long runs ....
Do you have any advice ... I'll take anything right now
Core Strength
I'm not really worried about the rest of your sports stuff right now, it's not like you're going to forget it this quickly. :-) Have a chance to do spin your legs out easily for 15 to 20 minutes a day, that alone might be enough to keep you sane without causing any damage. Let me know.
First of all congrats to your Boston run!!!
I'm already back in training again after only 5 days of antibiotics. I even was feeling that good to put in 2 easy bike spins like you said
I'm now looking forward to a 4-day off week next week so my plan is to perform a Big-Tri-Week. Do you think that's a good idea since there are just 4 additional weeks after that to my first A-Race?
Do you have any further advice other than the wiki-page tells me for this big week?
Oh ... I need to mention that there's a Half-Marathon on that particular sunday which I most likley MUST join - I don't care about the finisher time in this case so my plan was to do the run first (start is at about 9am) and the ride easy back home which is about 37mi.
Here's my preliminary plan for my BTW ... please review, critic and advice!

Holy cow 23 hours of training in just one week - I never did something like this before!
My thoughts for you would be the race sim on day one, a swim followed by a medium long bike on day two, a long bike followed by a brick run on day three, then your long run on before with the ride home.
Ok no idea why you cant see the attachment in my previous post ... I'll give it a second try.
It's pretty much as you suggested instead I added an easy "swing-day" on Friday. I'll adapt Wednesday to a RR (just moving the run after the bike with according pacing).
So I'm almost done with my BTW (2 hard more days to go but I still feel pretty good even though my TSB is at -47 today and predicted to be at an all-time low of -78 by the end of this week)
I'm curious on how I should get back into my normal training the next week?
I remember to have read something like this somewhere -> "Monday OFF 4 sure and Tuesday a light swim" ...
Next week would be HIM Adv week #17 calling out for Bike-Test on Wed. I'm absolutely sure I can't do that next week. Not sure if I even need to re-test as I don't "feel" any significant changes to my bike form.
Would it make some sense to just ride home from this race for about 80' inserting some "ON" time?
Now leaving for my first A-Race this year (70.3) ... let´s get ready to rumble!
First time podium in my triathlon career only beaten by a PRO triathlete and a (more or less) PRO duathlete!
I hope to finish my race report by the end of today but it would be awesome if you could review my logs and give me some critics:
Here's the bike ->
and here comes the run ->
I may need to add some words to the bike right here - this course was pretty hard to ride steady as there were almost no flat sections. Additionally we had really strong rain and even some hail on that section of the course with all the downhill sections.
I've been recruited as cyclist as part of a relay at the Company Triathlon Challenge which is part of the Pre-Ironman Austria stuff next week.
The distance for the bike portion will be around 18-20km on a completely flat course and it will take place on Thursday evening around 6:30pm.
Next week I'll be in GetFaster Adv. week 7 so this race fits almost perfectly into the plan but I'm a little worried about the pretty hard TP-run the day before ...
Should I exchange Tuesdays and Wednesdays run workouts or just do the Wednesday run as planned but as early in the morning as possible?
Any other options/suggestions?