Biked this morning. Rather than do the 5x5@110% workout I re-attempted the 12/20/12 set that I failed after 8 minutes on Monday. For some reason I couldn't get into a good gear and ended up grinding at 85 RPM. I needed to get to work so had to keep the workout to 60' total (completed 12/20 intervals but not the last 12). Overall felt pretty good and HR nice and low despite a delayed flight not getting me home until midnight last night…
Also I got into the pool again for the second swim since last June. Paces very slow but felt okay. 2000yd @ avg pace 1:45/100 SCY. Efficiency score 40, 11 strokes/length.
Tuesday's workout was a fail, i think i did way too much Z3 work on Saturday when i was looking to extend volume to 2:15 total ride time. Managed to do 1x12 @ .91 (ouch that sucked)
then i failed at about half way through the 1x15 after posting similarly weak #s, by comparison Saturdays 2x20 & 1x8 were all at .98/.99
I did manage the 5x5s much better only dropping the last 2 minutes at the end of the last interval. Felt that was good since i got on the bike at 5:05 Am and really was contemplating skipping a day.
did get the runs in and did them all right, and after seeing the Marshall Tucker Band last night, i managed an easy 5 mile run with a friend along the Hudson river at the foot of the Palisades, never ran here before, but the view of the GW bridge and the NYC skyline from the park used for the NYC IM transition was spectacular!
Training was going so well. Tuesday's bike went really well, as did my other sessions this week...well, until 7 am on Thursday for the 4 x 5' on the bike. Felt like the hardest session of the year. Couldn't get my heart rate up past Z2, even though I felt like I was working so forward several hours -- temp of 101.4, and full-on flu symptoms. Is it silly to be happy that it is the flu, and not my fitness level or overtraining, that affected that session and my HR? Resting like it is my job today.
I see a lot of folks posting about "5x5s", which I assume is the advanced OS plan. For the first time, this year, I am doing the Intermediate plan, after 4 years of going with the advanced. I am not finding any of the fatigue I used to see accumulated deep in my bones at this time (week 12 for me) in the OS. Instead of having to constantly finesse the main sets, now I can get through them without fail - hard, but doable. The plan guidance says that 10% of us should be on beginner OS, 70% on Int, and 20% on Adv. In this forum it seems like everyone is a citizen of Lake Woebegon - we're all above average?
So just an admission - I'm trying hard not to feel guilty about not flailing myself as I did in years past, hoping to be relatively fresh for my 12 weeks of IM prep coming up next month.
@ AL - you raise a very interesting point. This is my first year of the advanced, having stepped up my game, as i am about to switch to the HIM plan in prep for the AmZof, I am wondering if that is perhaps too much. I am going to compare that do the Intermediate and perhaps to the intermediate with some hacks. i can see the fatigue piling up quickly on the advanced!
@Matt Thanks for aiming me at Coach P's 5MH in the wiki (5 minute hack). It makes sense that the 5' @Z5 (low) should help you get off a FTP plateau.
@Al I'm on the Intermediate OS plan too. I started this OS with the Advanced plan but switched back once the fatigue started to add up and my workouts suffered. Additionally, if there is one thing I've learned from you WSM's its that being rested and getting enough rest is as critical as a MS workout.
@Al, Jim and Scott: I am officially on the intermediate plan and stick to it for the run wko's (except the last few thurs when I did 800s instead of 400s). However, when I'm feeling strong I do the adv MS on the bike and it's been harder to do at my new FTP after week 8. Tell me if this is wrong thinking but I am really anxious to get back to my 2013 FTP high so (because I'm pissed at myself for taking the 7 weeks off before JOS) I add more work when I can
@Betsy In the overall scheme of things, 7 weeks off is not that big of a deal and in the long run, probably will help you. My 2 cents worth on adding extra work: 1) You probably don't need to. Since your old FTP max was not that long ago, your body "knows" it well and as soon as your conditioning catches back up, the old FTP will too. Then the question will be "how do I surpass last year's FTP?" For that, read Coach P's 5MH. 2) The biggest concern with adding too, much too fast is injury. We know that the best way to improve is consistency - that is, having a long stretch of injury-free workouts. So, add on when it feels right but not because you're pissed. I turned two sets of 400's into 800's too. Still did 4 of them as straight 400's.
Good ride today. Added on a bunch of Z3 time as I’m headed to IM training shortly after OS. Planned on doing 2 X 25 but cut the 2nd interval short because the rpe was starting to feel like Z4, but the bigger reason was because I forgot to use chamois cream and it was starting to get pretty uncomfortable!
Good workout this morning and watched almost the entire movie The Fifth Element for the first time in a long time. Good stuff. Didn't feel awesome getting into it and power on the 2x20' was not exactly lights-out, but then the extra 10' I hammered it home and hopped on the mill for a very easy-feeling 30' brick run. HR quite low today on both the bike and run, and was rock-solid for the whole run rather than increasing over the course of the run (probably took it too-easy pace-wise, but I'm still ramping back up post-injury and should have a strong run tomorrow!).
Had a good ride today. Did well on my 2x20's and got a lot of seat time. Am getting stronger outside, despite the fatigue. It is really hard to hit the target intervals on the drainer during the week. Maybe is a result of typically doing week wko after a full day of work as opposed to morning on weekends. Anyway here is the overview of today,
Ran 3 miles before getting on the bike and I didn't feel like it was going to be my day. Instead of 2x20 I thought I would go 4x10. Did the first 2 at .99 FTP but broke on the 3rd. Decided I would just spin it out in Z2 to get the volume but at 88 mins the inside of my right leg cramped hard. Pulled the plug there but came back 7 hrs later to finish the ride ... And the movie I was watching. 2hrs 22 mins total.
@Al, I think I may be over doing it on my VO2 days (and the other bike wo too now that I think about it) My FTP is 183. I think I may need to test again and soon because today I did the 2x20 & 1x20 at an average of 178-179 and felt good (hard, but good). My z4 range is 163-172. Had I worked within my true Z4, I feel like it would have been too lax for a Z4 workout. Any thoughts? I surely don't want to overtrain or burn out, but I do want to work where I am getting stronger too.
I'm writing this post as I relax after my 5k at T4C at spring training game in perfect 80deg weather-Giants vs Royals(KC friends visiting) at Giants stadium old Scottsdale. Anyway... Yesterday's bike 2x20' at -1.0, .99. Then 25'@.86. That second 20' had a slow start but finished strong-was surprised (as always) that it was below 1.0.
Per previous discussions will be sticking to the intermediate plan in the bike
@ Danielle...I'm sure Al will chime in with some wisdom, but here are my $.02. I think you are reaping the benefits of the OS training and are on the verge of an FTP increase. However, I would encourage you to make sure you take tomorrow as a rest day. It is really important to get that rest this deep into the OS or you will get burnt out.
It has been good to read up on people as they start showing some real results from all the work we've done these last 3 months or so. Really? Three months at the end of next week. Phew. I can feel the fatigue creeping in but I can also see improvements.
Yesterday was my first ride outdoors with our local club. Quite a rude awakening but I saved face when I thought I was going to get left behind in the wilds of Somerset County, New Jersey. I've been riding my tri bike in the pain cave 100% of the time but since the roads around here haven't faired well this winter, I went out on the roadie. Wow! There's a big change in how riding feels but it was a good choice. Our route to Coco Luxe now resembles the pavé of Paris-Roubaix in many long stretches, particularly exciting when going downhill. I can't believe I stayed with the front of the group and even kept up on the flat sections against tri bikes.
I tell people how I'm training and even go into pretty good detail but I guess most of them aren't really listening because they seem so surprised by what looks like a huge leap in my fitness. Maybe, maybe not. I think it is they who have been training this winter without understanding how to prepare themselves. Annnnd there's the few who play the "Spring Hero = Summer Zero" card. Too bad it is impossible to have a detailed discussion when you're hammering for your life for 3 hours.
However, when I got home the thoughts of trying to get out for a run were found hiding in a dark corner of my amygdala desperately looking for sympathy. No run.
Shorter than planned and no brick. Challenge to hold whatts particularly in aero....but actually felt better after than prior to WKO. Regular EN WU with added 30sec power ups. 20' x 2 205w 147 hr up to 157 205w 151hr up to160 20 min of z2-3ish To late for more or brick 1:28 122TSS
@Al, I think I may be over doing it on my VO2 days (and the other bike wo too now that I think about it) My FTP is 183. I think I may need to test again and soon because today I did the 2x20 & 1x20 at an average of 178-179 and felt good (hard, but good). My z4 range is 163-172. Had I worked within my true Z4, I feel like it would have been too lax for a Z4 workout. Any thoughts? I surely don't want to overtrain or burn out, but I do want to work where I am getting stronger too.
Your numbers are confusing. If your FTP is 183, then Z4, the range for the 2 x 20 workouts, should be 173-183. A range of 163-172 would mean an FTP of 172. Sounds like that 183 number you mention is the watts for your 20 minutes in the test; the FTP is 95% of that number.
So, assuming your FTP is 172, and you are "easily" (a relative term, I know) managing 178/9 for what is the toughest FTP workout we have, yes, your FTP is probably higher. If you want to confirm that, than simply substitute the 5/10/20 test for any FTP workout, and see what you get. The downside of doing that is you will then have to train at your new, higher number
@Bruce, thank you and yes I do take Mondays off (although it is very difficult to do ).
@Al, yes you are correct, 183 was my FTP test result…can you tell that Im new to this PM stuff? I believe you (and Bruce) may be correct in saying that a bump in my FTP may be in my near future. I think I will take your advice and switch out the FTP WO for the 5/10/20 test this week. Thanks again for your wisdom
@Brett...nothing deceptive about it! ouch...
Started with usual EN WU except added a few 30"PIs @ 350-400w/30"RI....the Z3 just doesn't seen to wake up the legs for Z5 work.
Z3@ 173w/129HRa/84Cad
4xZ5 (234-255w)
255w/157hr(peaking at 166)/83cad
added: Z3 25' @176w/138hr/86cad
1:35Time TSS139 902kj
Hard but not left wasted. Grateful to have tomorrow off though!
I really think I should use 168 as max hr on bike anything above 160 is miserable 170 begins the "i think I'm gona hurl"
BTW thanx for the condolences R/T the loss of our "baby" (18y/o cat)
Overall 60' @ NP 22 (IF 0.908), HR avg 147 / max 174.
12'(4') @z4 – NP 248, IF 1.013, HR 158 / 169, cad 85
15'(4') @z4 – NP 248, IF 1.012, HR 165 / 174, cad 85
Also I got into the pool again for the second swim since last June. Paces very slow but felt okay. 2000yd @ avg pace 1:45/100 SCY. Efficiency score 40, 11 strokes/length.
Tuesday's workout was a fail, i think i did way too much Z3 work on Saturday when i was looking to extend volume to 2:15 total ride time. Managed to do 1x12 @ .91 (ouch that sucked)
then i failed at about half way through the 1x15 after posting similarly weak #s, by comparison Saturdays 2x20 & 1x8 were all at .98/.99
I did manage the 5x5s much better only dropping the last 2 minutes at the end of the last interval. Felt that was good since i got on the bike at 5:05 Am and really was contemplating skipping a day.
did get the runs in and did them all right, and after seeing the Marshall Tucker Band last night, i managed an easy 5 mile run with a friend along the Hudson river at the foot of the Palisades, never ran here before, but the view of the GW bridge and the NYC skyline from the park used for the NYC IM transition was spectacular!
I see a lot of folks posting about "5x5s", which I assume is the advanced OS plan. For the first time, this year, I am doing the Intermediate plan, after 4 years of going with the advanced. I am not finding any of the fatigue I used to see accumulated deep in my bones at this time (week 12 for me) in the OS. Instead of having to constantly finesse the main sets, now I can get through them without fail - hard, but doable. The plan guidance says that 10% of us should be on beginner OS, 70% on Int, and 20% on Adv. In this forum it seems like everyone is a citizen of Lake Woebegon - we're all above average?
So just an admission - I'm trying hard not to feel guilty about not flailing myself as I did in years past, hoping to be relatively fresh for my 12 weeks of IM prep coming up next month.
@Matt Thanks for aiming me at Coach P's 5MH in the wiki (5 minute hack). It makes sense that the 5' @Z5 (low) should help you get off a FTP plateau.
@Al I'm on the Intermediate OS plan too. I started this OS with the Advanced plan but switched back once the fatigue started to add up and my workouts suffered. Additionally, if there is one thing I've learned from you WSM's its that being rested and getting enough rest is as critical as a MS workout.
I am officially on the intermediate plan and stick to it for the run wko's (except the last few thurs when I did 800s instead of 400s).
However, when I'm feeling strong I do the adv MS on the bike and it's been harder to do at my new FTP after week 8. Tell me if this is wrong thinking but I am really anxious to get back to my 2013 FTP high so (because I'm pissed at myself for taking the 7 weeks off before JOS) I add more work when I can
I turned two sets of 400's into 800's too. Still did 4 of them as straight 400's.
2X20(4) @ 1.01, 1.02
1X10(5) @ 1.04
1X25(2) @ .85
1X15 @ .86
Entire workout (256 watts):
Duration: 2:06:15
Work: 1940 kJ
TSS: 169.3 (intensity factor 0.899)
Norm Power: 274
VI: 1.07
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 507 256 watts
Heart Rate: 58 170 150 bpm
Cadence: 26 128 85 rpm
Overall 90' @ NP 226 (IF 0.922), HR avg 152 / max 176.
20'(4') @z4 – NP 245, IF 0.999, HR 164 / 172, cad 94
20'(4') @z4 – NP 245, IF 1.000, HR 168 / 176, cad 95
10'(4') @z4 – NP 257, IF 1.050, HR 168 / 174, cad 85
6' @z3 – NP 234, IF 0.954, HR 158 / 164, cad 93
Very nice brick at a steady effort 4.21 miles in 30:28, avg 7:14/mi, HR avg 164, max 172, avg cad 182 spm
Had a good ride today. Did well on my 2x20's and got a lot of seat time. Am getting stronger outside, despite the fatigue. It is really hard to hit the target intervals on the drainer during the week. Maybe is a result of typically doing week wko after a full day of work as opposed to morning on weekends. Anyway here is the overview of today,
2012 kJ
258.1 (intensity factor 0.968)
Norm Power:
44.553 mi
Yesterday's bike 2x20' at -1.0, .99. Then 25'@.86. That second 20' had a slow start but finished strong-was surprised (as always) that it was below 1.0.
Per previous discussions will be sticking to the intermediate plan in the bike
It has been good to read up on people as they start showing some real results from all the work we've done these last 3 months or so. Really? Three months at the end of next week. Phew. I can feel the fatigue creeping in but I can also see improvements.
Yesterday was my first ride outdoors with our local club. Quite a rude awakening but I saved face when I thought I was going to get left behind in the wilds of Somerset County, New Jersey. I've been riding my tri bike in the pain cave 100% of the time but since the roads around here haven't faired well this winter, I went out on the roadie. Wow! There's a big change in how riding feels but it was a good choice. Our route to Coco Luxe now resembles the pavé of Paris-Roubaix in many long stretches, particularly exciting when going downhill. I can't believe I stayed with the front of the group and even kept up on the flat sections against tri bikes.
I tell people how I'm training and even go into pretty good detail but I guess most of them aren't really listening because they seem so surprised by what looks like a huge leap in my fitness. Maybe, maybe not. I think it is they who have been training this winter without understanding how to prepare themselves. Annnnd there's the few who play the "Spring Hero = Summer Zero" card. Too bad it is impossible to have a detailed discussion when you're hammering for your life for 3 hours.
However, when I got home the thoughts of trying to get out for a run were found hiding in a dark corner of my amygdala desperately looking for sympathy. No run.
Regular EN WU with added 30sec power ups.
20' x 2
205w 147 hr up to 157
205w 151hr up to160
20 min of z2-3ish
To late for more or brick
1:28 122TSS
Yeh rest day tomorrow.
Your numbers are confusing. If your FTP is 183, then Z4, the range for the 2 x 20 workouts, should be 173-183. A range of 163-172 would mean an FTP of 172. Sounds like that 183 number you mention is the watts for your 20 minutes in the test; the FTP is 95% of that number.
So, assuming your FTP is 172, and you are "easily" (a relative term, I know) managing 178/9 for what is the toughest FTP workout we have, yes, your FTP is probably higher. If you want to confirm that, than simply substitute the 5/10/20 test for any FTP workout, and see what you get. The downside of doing that is you will then have to train at your new, higher number
@Al, yes you are correct, 183 was my FTP test result…can you tell that Im new to this PM stuff?