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IMTX Week 4 of 12

Camp Week!  Woohoo!

Happy testing for all of those updating the baseline of that crazy improved fitness from the last 3 weeks of IM Race prep work!

Swim: http://www.strava.com/activities/121564454

Incredible Big Day performances across the board.  So impressed!





  • swam an hour. 1000M steady then 300 easy, 300 hard, 200 easy 200 hard then 4x100. No pr's but faster than last march.
  • was out all weekend battling a nasty stomach bug. thrilled me (and at the same time killed me...) to see the awesome work being done by Team EN-IMTX!

    got in a good 3,200 yds swim this morning according to the plan. always a healthy dose of fear going into the bike test tomorrow morning, but at least my legs should be well-rested!
  • 3,400yds in the pool done.  Hope to be able to test outside on the bike tomorrow.  Looking forward to camp (I think)

  • @ Jimmy / Jeff - great work on getting the swims done!

    @ Mike W. - glad to have you back!  Stomach bugs are the worst!  You will snap back on track in no time!

    FTP test painful but complete: http://www.strava.com/activities/121753587  V02 improvement, FTP held the line, 3.8 w/kg....

    Lunch run: http://www.strava.com/activities/121753587

    Hope all coming to Camp are resting well on Thurs....


  • Nice job, SS -- that's a pretty W/kg number!

    I also got my test in this morning. Legs felt really good during the w/u due to the time off over the weekend.

    Ended up flat to my last VO2 test and a slight drop in FTP (249-->246W). Combined with some weight loss means my W/kg actually increased slightly to 3.12 from 3.09.

    I'll take it -- basically hanging on to my "fast" while building my "far"

    Good luck all!
  • @SS - huge!  I can't even contemplate riding in the 300's and only dream of a 3.8.

    @MW - very nice job.  Those numbers will carry you far.  It's unhelpful and useless to compare ourselves to a locomotive like SS.  That's why the Tri Gods created the run.

    My test was rained out this morning.   Supposed to clear up at noon, so an "Urgent Out of Office Appt" just appeared from 3-5 on my calendar.

  • Done with that miserable bike test!!  I really dread that thing!  However, I did get a 3 watt increase in FTP, 223.  Hey, 3 watts is 3 watts

    Great work everyone! 

  • congrats to SS and CK on solid bike tests!
    I am not testing this week. My training has been too sporadic over the past couple of weeks to bust it up some more with testing.
    90 min run with 2x.5 and 1x1mi z4. In reviewing the data I actually over shot z4 a bit. Nothing on my body really hurts much at the moment and the temp was lower 40's. Felt great for the first time in a while.
  • Bike tests done. I really don't enjoy those. Lots of winds, which made it fun with the disc. Expected just to maintain, but got a little bump:

    VO2 - 292 from 280
    NP - 268 from 254
    FTP - 255 from 241 (not terrible considering my 190 last Fall)

    I faded on the 20-min, so it wasn't pure. But I refuse to do it over.

    W/kg up to 3.7, but that's about to go down as I am about to be seated at my favorite beach restaurant.

    Then I have to take my bike apart and squeeze into two small bags.
  • Damn there's a lot of work going on around here today!

    Tim laid down 70 min of .95 work!   .......nuff said!

    Mike W - fantastic FTP test/results, I agree with Mike R!

    Chris - I know that was painful, but you did get it done!!  Way to go!

    Mike R. - KABOOM!  .......Hell yes!.......and by the way, locomotives don't do well in the water........

    Jimmy - coming back online!  

    Keep the reports rolling in.......need to build the MOJO for what's coming this weekend!


  • So I'm relatively new to EN having joined in January. I've been curious to see how this training program has improved my fitness. I'm happy to say that the program is working (at least for the bike! Run test Thursday). FTP now at 285 up from 275 a month ago. Vo2 test was a little messed up but I think it was about the same. In my anoxic state I shut it down after 4 minutes instead of 5!

    Hopefully will see similar improvements in e run come Thursday.
  • Congrats to all those that tested! Holding the line and or making small gains at this point is all you can hope for! Looks like strong results from all.....

    I'm definitely not testing... Feel like I validated my FTP with last weeks TT races.... 10 min at 1.10 and 32 min at 1.01 is good enough for me!

    I felt like crap this am after an easy swim only day yesterday.... But this seems to be normal when taking a day off the legs... After about 10 min on the bike was feeling really good and was going to target 60min of .95 time .... Felt so good ended up with 70min at .95 done as 4 x 17.5' (3.5') and then 16 min at .75.... Was doing loops but I'm still amazed at how the numbers of each interval was almost exactly the same.... Big lunch and a nap then went out for 6mile unstructured run..


  • FTP test done.  Got to do it outside.  Minimal improvement, but given the state of my chicken legs currently, I'll take it.  I did the 20/2/20 version.  FTP bump from 214 to 220.  This is the first increase I have had since last summer.  Not sure HOW I'm going to run test tomorrow....legs are pretty wobbly now!   Finally got to 3.0 w/kg!    


    Need some advice....I COULD do the 5K run test either tomorrow evening or Thursday morning, before leaving for camp.  I have Thursday off and it's only a 4hr drive.  I will either swim tomorrow or Thursday morning, whichever time I don't run.  I think I'll have a better run test if I wait until Thursday morning...but I don't want to screw up the camp long ride and brick run.  What would you do?




  • @JL congrats on your FTP bump... Its up ! I tested via 5k race every month since December the day after an FTP test or a very hard bike.... Really had no issues .... Most of it is mental IMO.... Your capable of so much more than you think you are.... If you do it tomorrow just make sure you really warm up good with at least 2 miles and some strides.....I'd probably do it tomorrow and be done with it ..... Get ready for camp!

    @Tom Box... Glad your getting nice bike improvements... There is no reason why you cant expect the same in the run dept... My first year EN was a huge eye opener as I learned how to train on the bike (how ever I did not apply myself to the run with the same intensity)... There was lots of low hanging fruit and I made huge gains on the bike... Wasnt until I really applied the same thing to the run the following year that I really improved the run too... Unfortunately all the low fruit is now gone and gains are miniscule... Not sure of your background but applying the EN training principles will give you the fitness but the most valuable advice is in Race Execution(4 keys) and these Boards.... Look forward to meeting you at IMTX!
  • @MR...I have bag of threaded CO2 cartridges I will bring to camp.


  • Jeff - I would get the extra rest and test thursday morning.
    Y'all have fun at camp. After the $ hemorrhage that was hawaii, I will be staying home and working…

    90 min on bike. 60 on trainer where I did 2x15 @ 95% then I got outside and did the 3x5 @ 110 climbing the hill.
  • Well, against my better judgement, I decided to do an hour Z1.5 - Z2 run yesterday after my bike test. I just felt like I needed to run. Just a mental thing, because I probably didn't.

    @Jeff- I'm planning on swimming on Thursday AM before driving to camp and doing my run today. Unlike you, I'm not doing a TT run, but rather 2x1mile Z4 as an alternatative to the test. I know if it were me, mentally I would need to do it on Thursday AM simply because about half-way through the run, when the pain is telling you to quit, I don't want that little thought of "you're too tired to do a run today after the bike test yesterday, that's why you're hurting so much....just shut it down" and "even if you don't shut it down, you're not going to get an accurate result because you're tired". Unfortunately, this is my default logic that I have to fight against every workout single workout. I've got a lot of quit in me!
  • @ MR....I'm going to LBS today and can get some pitstop for you if you still need it ? I don't know what it is, but can ask, or let me know...is there only one kind, etc?
  • Thanks, Jeff.  Yes, please.  It's basically a cannister of fix-a-flat.  About the size of two CO2 cannisters end-to-end.  Made by Vittoria.  Should be around $10, which means $15 in LBS dollars. 
  • @ MR....will get it.

  • got in the pool at lunch but wasnt feeling it after the morning bike session.
    About 200M into my warmup I decided to finish out a 1000M TT and if I scored well I would call it a day.
    I scored well for me anyway. 19:03. Better than a 19:30 during the February test but still not quite back to my 18:50 at the end of last season.
    Sure is hard to pick up time in the pool!
  • 5K TT complete: http://www.strava.com/activities/122141457 

    After I picked up my left lung off of the track and put in back into my chest, I was pleased to see a 15 sec min/mile improvement over test 4 weeks ago......Life just got harder with new running zones......

    See you peeps in Houston!


  • Damn, Simmons.  Nice run!  You're turning into a legitimate dual threat.    Enjoy the success, for the pain starts Friday.  Travel safely.
  • nice 5k shaughn! makes me want to get out and give one a rip after all.
    of course, I would hurt myself and not be able to run for 10 days. But still.
    Well done sir.
  • Some good news and some bad news:

    Good news = 5K TT done.  I think this is the first time I have ever done one "right", negative split, didn't start too fast, etc.  22:07, 7:07/mi, HR 154.  Improvement of 44".  vDot from 42 to 44.  7:20/mi to 7:07/mi pace improvement. Very happy with that. 

    Bad news = my granddad, who has bad emphysema, is probably going to pass away in the next 24hrs.  He's on hospice, and they're just keeping him comfortable.  Anticipating funeral on Sunday, in central Texas.  Not sure what this will mean for camp....family first though.  

    SS...I saw your run just before I did mine, and tried to mimic it!  Thanks man.  

  • All you folks kickin' it ...really great to see and inspiring....I'm not testing this week...I'm going to the dance dressed as is...........

    Simply fed up with bad weather....today I just said FU...and decided I wasn't getting on the trainer...41 degrees and light rain...made for a great ride...really felt great !...hammered the intervals and road ABP for the remainder.......Long run tomorrow...and BIG WEEKEND...gonna pretend I'm in TX with y'all

    oh yeah...scored some DeSoto Forza Riviera tri-shorts for only $50...on sale on their site (size small)....

    ...and I got new pair of Hoka OneOne to try.....and new Garmin VivoFit...wooohooo...big day............lol

  • @Jeff Leslie... Very sorry to hear about your granddad.... Do what ya gotta do... Family first...... Congrats on your 5k I knew you could nail it...

    @SS nice test Captain!

    @Jimmy .... you need to stand down from a run test LOL... Dont worry about that... Showing up healthy trumps all!

    @ JL dressed as is I like..... tough riding in those conditions... just cant do it ... If I was in NH I'd be on the trainer till mid 50's anyway!

    To all you IMTX dont forget to keep us posted while your there ... Be fun to follow along!

    Good Run Swim day for me today... 60 min 7.5 mile run w/ 4 x1 mile repeats...... 60 min 3100yd swim with WU, then 17 x 100 done hard alternated with 17 x 66 done easy as active recovery rests were 10-20seconds........
  • @Joe - I like your attitude!

    @ JL - back to back test both of which you knocked out of the park!  Keep feeding our MOJO meter!

    @Tim - solid, focused, veteran work!  Will need to borrow your 3rd testicle to keep up with these peeps tomorrow!!

    Swim test complete this morning: http://www.strava.com/activities/122319712/laps   about 3 secs/100 slower but I am calling flat given my run test was 18 hours ago.....

    Will be en route to the IMTX party in a few hours......all travel safe today!


  • @Jeff...So sorry to hear about your Granddad. Family first. Do what you need to do. We will be thinking of you.

    So super impressed with all of the work being done around here! Wow!! Keep it up!!

    Lost my mojo for a couple days and just needed to sleep in and stand down. No tests for me this week. I did however find said lost mojo on my treadmill at 5:30 this morning! Yeah! 10 miles as easy 2 mile warm up @8:45 pace, 5 miles @ 8:30, then 2 @ 7:57, then last mile at 7:40. Did not want to stop, but had to get breakfast for the kids and get them off to school. Life.

    For all you heading to camp today, HAVE A BLAST!!!!!!!! SOOOOOOO JEALOUS!!!!!! When the going gets tough, just think of all of us Polar Vortex survivors who have not seen an open road on our bikes since October! No complaining as the warm sun shines on your face, and the wind is in your hair. You hear me? image

    Take good mental notes that you can pass along to all of us when you return.

    Safe travels!
  • 1K yd TT done.  17:53, improved from 18:30.  T-pace from 1:51 to 1:47.  Still slow....but not AS slow!  

    Now to packing.....

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