Jon R's Micro Thread
I have a question about how to restart my plan after having a knee injury. I had a knee issue at the beginning of this year that caused pain when biking and running, I have been going to physical therapy and my knee is better and I am starting to ride again, my current plan has me finishing an Half Ironman Plan then going into an Ironman Plan in a few weeks, what is the best course of action for me to get back into training? I signed up from Oceanside 70,3 which is March. 29th, I will not be racing since I just started to get back into training. My Ironman is CDA June 29th, I hope to participate in this race and finish.
In the past two weeks I have does 3 bike rides (6 miles, 10, miles, 15 miles) and will be running today (Thursday, March 20th) for the first time as well as doing another bike ride. I have been going to Physical Therapy for the last 4 weeks and the knee pain is gone and the physical therapist has said I should be riding and running.
I suggest you load the Beginner HIM plan to end on IMCDA...then we'll start by following that week as written for the swim. For the bike and run you will do about 2/3 of the time, and I am not worried about intensity here. Then next week, we have you do the plan for closer to full time, but again no intensity. If you are feeling good in the third week, we can then have you start to add in some intensity.
We have time to get you there...we just need to build you back in judiciously...
I wanted to make sure you meant the Beginner Half Ironman plan and not the Beginner Ironman plan? So the run last Thursday went well, I ran walked for almost 2 miles and no issues. I will be doing it again this week. I biked about 65 miles last week so the biking is going well and I hope to increase my milage this week (as long as my knee allows it). I really appreciate your help with this.
Thank you,
I did the full Ironman length swim and I am glad I did it. It helped a lot mentally and I improved 20 minutes from my first race rehearsal, so it was a pretty nice confidence booster. Thank you for the great advice.