Let's get ready!
Hello Team. Brenda asked me to be “Race Captain” for IMNO and I obliged! So, I want to know how many people are doing the race and how many out of towners we have. The group has 9 people but if you know other ENers signed up, tell them to join the group.
I also want to know if you all want to get together for a Friday night dinner or Saturday lunch race weekend.
I’m pretty familiar with this race living in the area and participating in it each year so if you have any questions, shoot!
Look forward to hearing from y’all and meeting you too. Happy training!
Absolutely! My wife is an excellent tri-sherpa and loves taking pics. She will have the EN flag and a camera at the ready.
I am new to EN but will be at IMNO attempting my second 70.3 in route for Louisville. Not sure when I will arrive in town but would love to try and make the swim and dinner. I will have 2 friends w me as spectators.
I ran this race last year.
Looks like we are shaping up to lunch and a swim in some order saturday. details to follow!