Peter's 2014 Oceanside 70.3 Race Plan
Here is my race plan. Any thoughts?
Peter's Oceanside Race Plan 2014
- Leave home at ~7:00 AM
- Breakfast at 7:30 AM
- Drive down to Oceanside and straight to check-in
- Head to lunch
- Check into hotel
- Head over to Athlete briefing at 4:00
- Check run gear in
- EN Team dinner
- Get everything prepared for following day
- Get to bed early
- Wake up at 3:30 AM
- Breakfast
- Get dressed
- Inflate bike tires at hotel
- Checkout of hotel and check bag at front desk
- Ride bike over to T1 with wetsuit/goggles, bike gear bag, and morning clothes bag (This will be fun...)
- Setup transition area
- Put wetsuit on and drop off morning clothes bag
- Ready to race!
Day Before:
- Drink 64oz of water and 64oz of Perform (Is this too much?, the weather should be much cooler than my last race)
- Breakfast, Large!
- 3 apple pancakes, eggs, bacon, side of oatmeal
- Lunch, ideally Chipotle Burrito (Really excited about this because I normally limit myself to just the bowl)
- Light Dinner with EN (Hopefully just plain pasta)
- Night snack of Greek Yogurt with honey
Day of:
- Breakfast
- 32oz of Green Machine smoothie, coffee
- Pre-race
- Sip perform all morning
- PowerBar 60 minutes before
- Gel 15 minutes before (Double latte, with caffeine)
- Gas-X pills 15 minutes before as well
- Bike (~1200 total calories) (Estimated split of 2:45)
- 3-4 bottles of perform
- 3 gels (Vanilla, no caffeine)
- 1 PowerBar
- Run (400-500 calories) (Estimated split of 1:30)
- 2-3 gels (Double latte with caffeine)
- 24 oz perform (stop at 6 aid stations) Is this too many?
Pacing plan:
- Swim
- Note: I am not a good open water swimmer and have had anxiety/panic problems in the past
- Do not start off too quickly
- Find a groove
- Remember to hug the jetty on the return!
- Bike
- IF of 0.82 (Current FTP 231 so target 190 watts)
- Have watch set to manual lap. I will periodically hit lap button as terrain changes.
- Fields on Watch: Lap Power, 3s Power, Distance, Time (Dropped speed!)
- Flatten course, take advantage of early rollers, make sure I am in the 11 tooth cog on the descents, especially the fast downhill rollers after climbs, carry momentum up the inclines
- Set limit of 210 watts for climbing (Have 11-25 cassette, hopefully able to keep it in check. Might spike watts a bit on a couple steeper sections)
- Run
- Current vdot of 55, but did most of training assuming vdot of 52-53
- Start off at 7:00 pace (I made a promise to Patrick)
- If feeling good at mile 7.5 (after climb) let er rip and increase pace to 6:45
- If still feeling good at mile 10 then best effort to finish
Things to consider:
- Need race belt and bib in T1, have it pre-loaded with the run gels!
- Will probably be a bit cold on bike, should I put on arm warmers in T1?
This one sounds very nice!
A few add-ons from my side:
Gear preparation:
- Don't forget to turn on your Garmin or whatever device you use for monitoring on the bike! Set it up so you don't have to touch it except of hitting "Start". (If you own a Garmin Edge 500 be sure the "Auto turn-off" feature is disabled!!)
- I use to have NO CALORIE intake from the 60' mark to the 15-10' mark before start to allow my blood sugar level to stabilize.
- Love your plan. As I'm also a pretty bad swimmer I normally start on the very left side to avoid the big-bang and it allows me to get into the groove.
- The HIM bike is just another ABP session you already did many many times. Just stick to your plan! If 25 teeth is not enough and you power is overshooting get out of the saddle to reduce cadence, this will bring you power down too! I use 10sec AvgPower on my Garmin because there the value isn't jumping that much and it gives me a smooth feedback that I'm riding smoothly
- I've never needed a run-belt in a race! I've paid a lot for the aid stations so I use these
- Run until it hurts then keep going! The last few miles will be pure pain - be prepared! At this point you will start to outrun a LOT of people who doesn't have a plan like you
- Arm warmes are pretty hard to put onto wet arms (at least all models I've owned till now) ... if you want to consider this give it a try in your bathroom first! I've raced my last HIM at only 7degC in heavy rain without arm warmers without a problem. If it's going to get pretty cold consider a plastic bag you can put under your shirt to protect your torso from the cold. If it's getting too hot you can easily throw this one away at any time.
I use to eat a lot more on the bike as I can barely eat anything on the run. According to the EN calorie target calculation my target was 420kCal/h but I was able to digest over 470kCal/h during my race ... eating that much on the bike feels like you are eating all the time
Thanks for the other tips as well. I mainly have the race belt just to hold the bib number. I will probably stuff the gels in my tri-top pocket actually. The weather will probably be warmer than your race so I guess I won't worry about arm warmers. Thanks again!
I do have a towel, I updated my packing list.
Why nothing spicy? I eat spicy food every day!
Unfortunately there is no swim warm up possible due to course regulations. I will have a quick warm up to swim to the floating start. I will do my best to cram as many good thoughts and quality strokes on that short swim.
I think I will try the 30 minute auto-lap, that sounds good and will be a reminder to eat!