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MyMixNutrition.com - Custom your own protein/supplement powder (Promo Code)

Hey all - 

A friend just launched a company called myMix (MyMixNutrition.com), which allows you to customize your own protein/supplement powder. All the high-quality ingredients you want in one mix. It's pretty awesome, so figured I'd share in the haus. 

He also gave me a 20% off promo code to share... it's Endurance20 (case-sensitive). It's live until 12:00am Monday, 31 ET

All the options are super high-quality, all-natural, no fillers, etc. Lots of options too --- my go-to is a plant-based protein blend with greens, chia, flax, glutamine  etc. I put a scoop in my morning smoothie. Berry flavor makes it tasty just with water too.  

Give me a shout with any Qs or post them here. Think you guys will like it!

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