Dave Howards Macro
Coach Rich,
Per the e-mail RoadMaps (dave_rn@hotmail.com) I will be coming out of a "fusion OS-Marathon" plan OS ending in 2 weeks Marathon ending at April 27 Mt lemmon marathon.
Question.....I think I need to add swimming now-ish .... Swim camp after OS end with long run/Hill work retained (Marathon-ish prep)?
AAA Race is Vineman Full July 26th ....what next after marathon?
OK.....SO Just found out Mt Lemmon is canceled for this year?! So no need to Continue Marathon prep. On OS Week 13 right now.
May do KOH NJ X-Terra 5/10 vs Rat Snake 5/17as B race but otherwise no random Marathons. I may do SPrint/OLY if no KOH in MAY as C race...
Soooo OS--->swim camp---->GEN PREP...? for 26July AAA 140.6?
just sent e-mail back:
Current Plan: 2014 OutSeason - Intermediate, 14 Weeks
<a title="Click here to change the end date of your plan or select another one from the library of plans" id="ecxdnn_ctr485_View_lbChangePlan1" target="_blank"></a> </td>
You are on week 13 of 14 (2 weeks remaining). Ends 4/13/2014
<a title="Click here to change the end date of your plan or select another one from the library of plans" id="dnn_ctr485_View_lbChangePlan1" href="javascript:__doPostBack('dnn$ctr485$View$lbChangePlan1','')">
Not shure how else to describe the plan I'm in.
just sent e-mail back:
Current Plan: 2014 OutSeason - Intermediate, 14 Weeks
You are on week 13 of 14 (2 weeks remaining). Ends 4/13/2014
<a title="Click here to change the end date of your plan or select another one from the library of plans" id="dnn_ctr485_View_lbChangePlan1" href="javascript:__doPostBack('dnn$ctr485$View$lbChangePlan1','')">
Not shure how else to describe the plan I'm in.
Got it, will do this for you later today
Ill plug the swim in after next week. Kinda looking FWD to it although not the need to get up at 4:30 am to get the swims in the designated lap times at the base pool
-Its kinda a no excuse wine as I have to get up at 4:30 or 5:00 at the latest back home in AZ for work ..... I've just been spoiled with 6am during this MOB.
If my Foot still has problems I'll shift the swim block up and then do the OS week 14 after the swim block to test before going into IM plan (Yes?)
So....have opted out so far for shoulder surgery..... still mild-moderate pain but the few swims I've done seem OK. Actually its after swim runs that are the most uncomfortable.
My AAA race is IMAZ Nov 15
I want to do some sprint/olys local...but dates having been coopritive.....likely will just treat as C race.
Still negotiations for xterra vegas. B race if I go.
Having found a June July HIM.....presuming Aug to close to Nationals.....
Bike power a bit higher than last year at same time. Run probably a bit down (less long runs in late 2014).
May be
Anyway. I also have a tough MTB ride (I won't be "racing") April 24.
And am hoping to sell my wife on coming to and my Brother in law to race in the Deuces Wild X-Terra 30 may.
If so I'd rate it an A race. The MTB ride and a possible OLY on May 17 are B at most rated.
I have found -to my surprise, that frequent racing really helps mentally and particularly the swim and transitions.
BTW my current FTP is 234w and VO2 is 365w
I have a 2 mile APFT run tomorrow that will be "interesting". I'm using a VDOT of 40 which feels a bit high for M pace but low for 1ml....probably 39 if I used a legit 10k right now. Have been skipping many brick runs as the wife isn't used to me being home from being away all last year. (Big bike week is going to be interesting too
Just joined a close gym that pool is open on weekends and as early as 5am.......so might get 2-3 swims/week when the time comes.
I'm in the January OS as that seemed to fit for getting be back into doing work and the kind of work for my last MTB race and any spring short course races.
So again I want to do well at nationals (top 200AG?) and Reeeely want to go <11hr IMAZ. <br />
Thanks for the detail. Please give me your 2015 race schedule by submitting it to me through the Triathlon Season RoadMap request under the Training tab above. Thanks.