Betsy's roadmap adjustment
Hi Rich,
I am now at wk13 JOS or supposed to be starting short course plan to end 5/18 with tempe international olympic.
Question is: I don't really care about that race and haven't signed up for it, and if I do, I would look at it as a hard training day. My overiding goal is to have a faster AZIM. I watched the wk 12 OS video and am much more inclined to finish JOS and go straight on into bike focus for 6 weeks. I haven't achieved my FTP goals yet. (JOS has gone well, done almost all the work, and hoping next test to be back where i was at end of JOS 2012, but want to surpass that. I also have been swimming every mon/fri-drills -and lesson saturday), Then finish the summer as mapped (more bike or run focus, followed by get fast) heading into IM plan late august. Thoughts?
I don't think that BF vs SC will make much of a difference, in the long term. I'm more interested in you putting a short term for realz goal on the calendar, this Oly in May, and training for _that_ vs thinking that you're doing the OS + BF + whatever, months and months out from AZ, and are training for AZ now. At the end of the day, if you do the SC plan now and focus on this Oly, you finish that process in 5/18, a very, very long time out from AZ to make those gains you'd like to see. And the SC plan itself is legit.
Make sense? It's a headspace / SAU conservation thing vs a training thing, IMO.
Thanks for your quick reply! I understand your thinking and am in the short course plan ending 5/18. Had to hack the week since I did JOS bike tues and went out of town thurs-sat (step daughter graduated navy boot in Great Lakes, IL). Got everything in but one swim, but I don't feel to bad about that as I have been swimming throughout JOS (worked hard all winter on stroke-am now holding the early vertical catch, high elbow, hands not crossing midline on entry, per my last video!!!!). Testing done, gains in both the run and bike.
My next question is: is there any gain in doing a pretest of sorts? Next weekend is the Marquee Oly at TTL-I did both races last year. So, better to just stick with the plan or stick in a hard training day next sunday?
Racing would be good. Anything to give you shorter term goals, and have fun, vs training months and months for IMAZ