On course nutrition question
Race rehearsal #2 for my HIM was today and it went well. I have been using the EN nutrition calculator to dial in my nutrition plan with Perform and PowerGels. I have been able to tolerate the necessary volume with no real GI issues BUT... I started doing the research on the on-course nutrition available for my off-brand HIM in Charleston and on the bike they have only water for the first two aid stations and Heed at the third station. The run aid stations have only Heed, coke, hammer gels, hammer electrolyte tabs, pretzels and water.
So, my plan is to load up my bike with perform at the start and then use Heed when I get to the third aid station. Since Heed is lower in Sodium than Perform, I will have to use some salt tabs in addition so I don't fall behind. Since the Heed also has more calories, If I take in the same volume that I have been used to, I will be over on the calories by 130 per hour on the bike and 105 per hour on the run. I can easily take my powergels with me on the bike and run just as I have during all of my training,
Does anyone have any experience with Heed that they can share? Or other ways to use as much on-course nutrition as possible so I don't look like a pack-mule. I guess I need to get some and try it too.
Do they have a bike special needs? If they do, then you wouldn't have to carry all that fluid and a short stop to pick up bottles is better than a situation where you are using something new during a race.
How long do you plan on being on the bike?? Also how long for run time?
As far as my times go, all of my RR rides have been between 3:10 and 3:15 and my Run time is between 2:05 and 2:12.
On each of those rides, I was carrying 3 bottles on the bike and 2 in my jersey so it was not particularly aero.
Since I don't really have ultralight bike and gear, and I have the wind sillouette of a barn door (even with Todds help on my aero position) the lost speed of a couple of extra bottles is not that big a deal to me compared to trying a new nutrition source in the race and facing unexpected consequences.
I do not see any mention that they have special needs area since it is a half.
I have an aero bottle on my bars that I could put concentrated perform in but then I would have to break aero position every time I take a drink of water to wash it down. I guess another option would be to fill my aero bottle with regular perform at the beginning of the race and have the other bottles with double concentrated perform and mix that with water from the aid stations in my aero bottle. But that seems likely to get complicated in the heat of the race...
I think that I have this figured out.
If I fill all 3 of my regular bottles with perform and take 1 bottle of Heed on the bike, I will be within the calorie guidelines.
I will use my regular Powerbar gels.
The run doesn't look too bad assuming I can stomach the heed. I am going to order some today and try it this week, we shall see what we shall see...
@Ralph, I am doing B2B as well and was cruising the forums looking for ideas about Heed...so glad I found this! I don;t mind the taste, but I think my usually easy going gut doesn't like it. Pretty sure it was the complete ruin of my run at Toughman AZ two weeks ago. HORRIBLE gas. I mean so bad I was glad to be at the back of the pack and having no one near me every five minutes when it....OK, you get the picture! So I bought some Heed and figured I better start practicing. I did a ride with it yesterday and spent a couple of hours afterwards glad I didn't have to go out in public. I'll try again tomorrow and then keep trying. I just don;t understand the ingredients...it's maltodextrin (common) and xylitol. What the heck?!? That's an artificial sweetener. Known to cause gastric issues in large amounts.
I have been using Roctane (maltodextrin and fructose) for a year or so and love it. I'm not worried about the bike. I did a 100 mile tri last year with an 85 mile bike and I put bottles with powder in it at SN and asked the volunteers to add water while I used the porta potty. I'll use that strategy again, I think (with 3-4 bottles). My concern is the run. If I can't get used to this Heed, I'm not sure what to do about the run. I can use gels easily on stand alone marathons using a Fuel Belt. I'm considering using a Fuel Belt with Roctane in two bottles, and carrying my own gels with my second half gels and more Roctane powder at SN.
Since it's been 3 months since your post and you've had time to practice/think about it, what are your (and others') thoughts on this plan? This is my first IM distance.
For the B2B, I am contemplating loading up 5 more bottles of perform and stashing 5 bottles in the bike special needs. I am still working on this but your idea of a fuel belt with perform and refilling at Special needs is a good one.
We probably should run it by the coaches...
I did the B2B full last year and since I use Perform as well here is how I handled hydration. (BTW, I would rather drink week old goat pee from a ditch than drink HEED)
Bike: 5 bottles of Perform on the bike at the start of the ride. 5 bottles @ special needs. My special needs stop was less than 60 seconds. A volunteer grabbed my bag as I was approaching and had it ready for me. A quick bottle change and I was on my way again. 10 bottles is my need on a non-hot day for a 5.5 hour ride. If I had needed more I would have carried pre-measured baggies of perform and mixed with water at the aid stations (come to think of it, I had two of those baggies with me all the time last year in case I dropped a bottle, etc.)
Run: I had a run carry bottle was filled with Perform at the start of the run. I had 3 bottles worth of Perform in baggies pre-measured with me in my jersey pockets and three more at special needs. I just refilled my bottle as needed at aid stations. I made sure that I drank an entire bottle every 6 miles.
Worked well for me. Way more complicated than racing an Ironman race but B2B is a fun event. I'm doing the half this year. Last year the full was only 5 weeks after I raced IMLT and I'll NEVER do that again...
As for Heed... Goat pee, glow in the dark water, snot from a 2 year old, used windshield wiper fluid, gum from the bottom of your shoe are all better than Heed. but when push comes to shove... nah... i still will not drink heed.