Walking Boston
Long story short: Mid January tore Rectus Femoris (quad) muscle. No running until March 14. (OK, no way to be able to run Boston, but maybe part?) Slowly built up the runs and on 3/31 ran 5 x 1 mile with 1' walk breaks. (Maybe I can run 1/2 of Boston.) Tried running 4/3 and the calf strained at about 20'. Saw Doc who says it is actually the hips that are causing problems (lack of mobility) and the calf is just being overworked. Got treatment and he said to try running again over the weekend. Ran 4/5 and made it a whole whopping 6 minutes. Took off running until yesterday 4/8 and only made it 5'. Saw Doc this am and he says no running until at least Saturday, 4/13, 8 days before Boston. At this rate, even if the hip issue is resolved and the calf is OK, is there any real way to try and run Boston, and other than walking is there any safe threshold. Obviously if it hurts I will simply walk...could be a long day, but a day walking in Boston is still a whole lot better than what the city went thru last year. Suggestions? Thanks!
First advice is get healthy. You can't do much if your fighting injuries month after month.
The way I would do the calculus is if you did attempt Boston as a walk/run/limp, you may end up as a DNF. You also my exacerbate the calf/hip issues further to the point of forcing DNS long into the summer. So the question is, how much does Boston mean when compared to a worst-case scenario?
This is a big year for Boston but it will be here next year and the year after that. Keep us posted as you mull over your options.