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Early Registration Opportunity - Ironman Maryland

Hi Team, as many of you already know, a new race has been added to the 2014 Ironman Season.  We are happy to announce that our team has been given the TOP SECRET link and password for you to get your name on the early registration list.

Unlike our other early registration opportunities last year, we WILL NOT be collecting names. Ironman has asked that we send you (our Team) the link (see below).  You will need the password which is:  IMMaryland

Early Registration: Ironman Maryland

On Tuesday, April 15th at 10:00 pm Ironman will email you a unique link for registration and you will have until April 17th at noon ET to redeem. Please note: it is suggested you DO NOT use a work email address, because of the firewalls used at work locations.  We would not want you to miss this opportunity due to something as easy as using a home email address



  • Team,

    I probably shouldn't have to say this...but will anyway:

    This is a benefit for EN MEMBERS ONLY. Please do not share this link/process with your friends who are not EN members. Instead, have them email us at friend@endurancenation.us, offering them an opportunity to create a free 30 day trial and join the Team...and plug themselves into the team and more opportunities like this.


  • Thanks, Guys! There are definitely perks to team membership.
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