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Frank Zaffino - Plan advice

Hi Patrick,

Need a little direction and hopefully (I know) you can help.  Anyway, I have been training well following the Long Term Ironman Marathon Improvement plan you created.  I have also been doing the Get Faster plan, but modified the running to include the runs from the LT plan. During this time, according to the plan, I was running between 5 and 6 days per week and feel good.  Now with during, weeks 16-13 the plan calls for me to include a swim camp with minimal running.  Can I just follow the running workouts in the Get Faster plan until I jump into my actual IM plan or am I not giving myself any time to recover?  If you want me to run "minimally", can you explain what that means in terms of volume and intensity?

As always, thanks for your help.



  • Frank -- thanks for checking in! It's good know you're still going strong. The goal of swim camp is to help you get your swim back up to speed, and give you some time to absorb what you've done. I would still want you to run consistently during swim camp but I would limit the non-run workouts, the ones other than the specific run workouts that are listed in the plan. Avoid playing with intensity, instead do study runs in the 30 to 40 minute range. So you could still get in 5 to 6 runs a week with only two that are serious and the rest are just continuing the foundation that you built without overtaxing you to the point but you'll be incapable of continuing to push during your race prep plan.
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