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Uniform Update: Spring, 2014



  • Posted By Mariah Bridges on 04 May 2014 09:27 PM

    so I am assuming it would be smart to buy another tri suit to race in if we have a race june 1st right? Sounds like I can't rep EN by then?

    Yes, that's correct. Sorry, but the issue with the shorts impacted the timing of our reorder of tri tops and cycling items. We should received everything from LG by early June. 

  • I love the elite cut jersey. Aero, lightweight, looks very pro...

  • Posted By Mark Roberts on 05 May 2014 11:19 AM

    I love the elite cut jersey. Aero, lightweight, looks very pro...

    Hey Mark,

    Yep, I like the Elite cut jersey...until I look down when I'm in the drops and realize I need to get back to fighting weight 

  • Team,

    I've edited the first post in this thread with our most recent uniform updates. Please read and I will push this out to everyone tomorrow via the Team Update. 

  • Rich, thanks for the update.  Doesn't the reorder of the delfino cut conflict with our recent posts?  i.e. if I'm getting a delfino cut, I need a size XL.  If I'm getting an elite cut, I need XXL.  I just e-mailed BE to change my upcoming order to an XXL.  Should I actually be getting an XL?

  • Posted By Doug Herr on 06 May 2014 09:21 AM

    Rich, thanks for the update.  Doesn't the reorder of the delfino cut conflict with our recent posts?  i.e. if I'm getting a delfino cut, I need a size XL.  If I'm getting an elite cut, I need XXL.  I just e-mailed BE to change my upcoming order to an XXL.  Should I actually be getting an XL?

    Hey Doug,

    I think in our conversation (you and I), I thought we were talking about cycling jerseys vs tri top. To confirm, are we talking about jersey or tri top?

    • Jersey = Elite cut/fabric
    • Tri Top = Delfino
  • Ah, got it.  I was talking about tri top.  I'll re-re e-mail BE to change it back to XL.  Good call on stocking extras for exchanges during the summer.  I may be taking advantage of that. 
  • Rich:
    curious as to the new trip top i got from the January order, my old Large from last year is too big, this medium seems too small.. is the new cut different? how would it compare?

    as an FYI, i am way down from where you met me in person. I think we have similar frames, I am 5'8, 40-41" chest, weighing in at 157 as a training weight (down from 170 winter weight) and on my way to a 145-150 race weight.

    do i stick with the current medium assuming i will shrink into it, or should i return and go for a different size in the delfino cut of new tops?
  • Scott, not sure what your question is. The top you received from the January order is an "elite" cut and fabric. It fits more aero, tighter. The items we'll receive in June are the Delfino, the same cut and fabric you had with the "old" kit, just in a different design.
  • you partially answered the Q in that going to the elite cut I probably should have stayed with a Large., though i ordered a medium as i assumed sizing was similar to the Original Delfino i have.

    I am now asking if there is an option to exchange my elite(M) for a new delfino(M)? or order another delfino in M if the exchange isn't available?

  • Yes, you can exchange / order a different size. However, hold off on that until next week. I want to go through all of the descriptions of everything in the Store and make sure everything is 100% accurate, delivery expectations are clear, etc.
  • @Rich - per your last post you wanted us to hold off a week per above. are we clear to exchange? is it obvious how to do that in the store? or do we send gear guy(jeremy?) an email?

  • Posted By Scott Dinhofer on 15 May 2014 05:33 AM

    @Rich - per your last post you wanted us to hold off a week per above. are we clear to exchange? is it obvious how to do that in the store? or do we send gear guy(jeremy?) an email?

    Yes, everything in the store is accurate. If you want to exchange something, please send an email to cs@brandevolutions.com to request an RMA number. 

  • Rich,

    I am so confused concerning original order sizes and revised manufacturing sizing. From your message, it looks like I should change my order, but a reply message I received from Brand Revolution say the sizing should be OK. I only hope that my $259 order fits.

    Sorry to sound so negative and I know you guys are trying to make this work, but I am at a loss as what to do!
  • Hey Jim,

    I found an email from you and it looks like you're a Large / XL guy? Our experience with the Elite cuts of the tri and cycling kits was that:
    • XS to Medium guys are/were fine with the cuts of both
    • L guys with experience in lots of different flavors of kits are fine with it. That is, they're experienced cyclists, triathletes, know how stuff should fit and don't mind/appreciate a rather aero, sorta tight fit. I would put myself in this category. That is, at race weight I might be a medium. Right now...no fookin' way...I'm a large but I know how stuff should fit and I like the aero cut.
    • L guys without a lot of experience ^above^ are kinda 50/50 digit, don't dig it
    • XL guys and up prefer the Delfino cut and sizing, and/or should probably go up a size on the cycling jersey.

    So the advice I have you, via BE I believe, is based in ^this^ above. Regardless, we'll do our best to make it right!

  • You recommended I take advantage of the extras you would have available in the store and get one of the new Delfino tri tops before sending back the Elite cut to BE, but you suggested going up a size to a Large in the Delfino b/c I said the Medium Elite was too small.  However, the only sizes I see available in the store are XS, S, M.  Will there be more sizes added AND do I even need a large?  I'm so confused on this sizing.  I always wear a medium tri top, but the Elite cut was very small.

  • @AR:

    Let me get with BE re what sizes should be displayed in those drop down menus. Thanks for your patience.
  • Hey Coach,

    I am still waiting to get my tri top and two hats... who should i reach out to about an update? I ordered on May 14. Order number 101157.

    Thanks and sorry to ask for help
  • @jonathan I still don't have mine either.... any word coach? I have a race this weekend, ready to rep EN
  • Hey folks,

    Everything shipped today from LG to Brand Evolutions in OH. Will arrive on Wednesday and begin shipping on Thursday!

  • Hey Coach, Just wanted to see if everything shipped on Thursday? Or is there a delay? I check my mail box once a week because 90% of my mail is junk... but i will check it more frequent it things shipped on time.
  • I haven't received my shipment either.
  • I received a package with the replacement shorts. My disappointment is that the sizes of my original order were sent, not the ones I specified in the spreadsheet.

    First impression is that the finish quality (loose threads, stitching, uneven material cuts) is below that of the previous shorts and to other LG gear I own.

    I won't have a chance to try them on for a few hours and will report back then.
  • Hey Folks,

    Everything arrived in OH last Wednesday and began shipping I imagine on Thursday. We have a large backlog of orders to get out, today is Tues, US mail and whatnot. Please give everything a few more days.

    You can always reach out to cs@brandevolutions.com to inquire about the status of your order.

    Phil, sorry to hear you're notes on the shorts! Lets see what the feedback is from everyone else or if you just got a bad pair?
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