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Team Update: April 15th, 2014



  Welcome to Your EN Weekly Update!

From the Coaches

Spring Membership Drive:

Just a heads up that this week through the end of May will have the doors open, welcoming new trial members to the Team. Please just do what you always do, which is to pay it forward by offering these new folks the same help that you received when you first joined. Thanks!

New Ebook

Crossing the Line: Everything You Needed to Know about Racing Your First Ironman But Were Afraid to Ask. Please download and share this ebook with your friends, and don't forget to also tell them about our First Time Finish Guarantee Program!

Endurance Nation Kit Updates:

Please go here for a complete and detailed update on where we stand with Endurance Nation triathlon and cycling kit offerings!

Coach Chats 

From the Race Director

Race Groups and the Race Support Series:

Race Season is here and EN wants to make your race experience the best it can be, so we have created the EN Email Support Series to keep you in the loop for everything and anything that has to do with your race. But in order to get that information you need to join your Race Group. 
The first email is sent 14 weeks from the race. Do not miss out! 

Race Captains Needed

TeamEN has 15-80 athletes at nearly every half and full Ironman in the US, creating a unique race weekend opportunity for all of you! But we need your help! Please consider volunteering to be a Race Captain. You get some cool free stuff like a t-shirt, EN flag and a free month of EN, but the best part is all the pats on the back you get from your team mates for helping make their race experience one to remember. Who wouldn't want that?! 

Pre-Race Webinars

The coaches do pre-race webinars for many, many half and full Ironman events on the calendar. Each webinar will be recorded, archived in the wiki, and a link to download the file will be included in the next weekly update. 

New Podcasts:

Wiki Updates

Recent Wiki Updates include, but are not limited to the following: Adjusting for a Monday Marathon, Ironman Texas Race Resources, IMTexas 70.3, and Adding Challenge Icons to your Signature. You can view all of our recent Wiki updates online here.

Deals from Our Sponsors:

Endurance Sports Travel has some new offers for the 2014 season that include being able to sign up for races directly without the need to book lodging. Right now they are running an offer through April 23rd, 2014 for Whistler and Lake Placid. 

  • Ironman Whistler -- $700 USD Race Entry + Professional Mechanic Service
  • Ironman Lake Placid -- $940 USD Race Entry ONLY
When you contact EST, you _MUST_ tell them that you are part of Endurance Nation in order to access the deal. Just searching on the website won't do it!!! Here is their contact information: 1-610-399-4662 or via email to tywilliams@endurancesportstravel.com.

Thanks again for choosing Endurance Nation!

Rich and Patrick

Your Endurance Nation Coaches

PS - Remember, we're here to help you 24/7 via our
support email service. Don't be shy!


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