Sean's Macro Thread
I am on week 16 of my Intermediate IM plan (for TX).
I have been recovering from a hamstring injury from the summer. I have been easing very slowly into my running pace. I am now at about 90% or so I would say. Anyway, I have a pacing question for the upcoming IM. I have not done any of the 5K tests during the training in order to protect my hammy. I know I do not have all of my speed back so I am not planning on using my VDOT from before my injury. How do I pick my IM pace / which VDOT to use for planning?
Last week I did the camp week option and did a 2:17:00 run (progressive pace) run after the 2 long biking days. It felt easy (slow, like it was supposed to) here are my 3 'laps' if this helps I was thinking of using this as a guide?
First hour avg. HR 134 Pace 9:49
Second our avg. HR 145 Pace 9:07
Last 17 mins avg HR 157 Pace 8:44
I was tired, but it wasn't hard to pick up the pace at the end, for what it's worth. I know IM is different! Since I haven't done a running test I am not sure on my HR zones, but I can say that my max is usually 186-189 and I have run a marathon (Nov. 2012) at avg. HR 173. What would you suggest I shoot for in my next IM race rehearsal as far as pace?