Steph G's ITB Thread
I need advice about persistent I T band issue. I have rolled , stretched and rested! I can run and bike but it does hurt after mile 8 on the run and on the bike it feels like a nerve issue making my right leg feel momentarily week. My bike is fitted and running shoes are in good condition. I i t band stretch morning and night. Any ideas?
Hey Stephanie,
I don't have direct experience with ITB (knock, knock). I'm going to change the title of this thread and move it over to the Medical Help forum where we have some smart folks who may have ideas for you.
Just be sure its ITB your talking about....if it is pain on the outside of you knee its ITB....if it is in your hip/side or back...its not ITB...its either Periformis, or Glute Medius/Minmus....
I have been dealing with this recently do to a changed stride from some achilles best course of action is Massage/Rolling...check out this information
Information defining ITB -
Great set of videos on Self Myofacial Release - Rolling/Trigger Point
Depending on where you are in your season plan, you could spend some time improving/correcting your running form. I (and others on the Team) have ordered this video:
The drills have been a huge revelation for me. I can totally feel a difference, especially during my long runs. When I get tired, my form deteriorates and it feels like i'm working harder. Concentrating on proper run form, and boom, I can feel things are easier and am able to sustain the last 30 min at MP+ paces.
And the 2 muscles that are sore after the run? Quads and glute medius.
I spent 4 weeks doing glute activation exercises and run drills and have made all the difference.