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90 degrees today in Houston


  • Hot here too! I was running the trails this morning and thinking it is time to put the washcloth back in the car. That's for swatting the horse flies attracted to my back as I am sweating buckets running through the woods.
  • Poor guy, you must be freezing.

    It's 48 with showers here in Olympia but it's supposed to be in the 80's by the middle of the week. I think I'm going to be too sick to work and the prescribed cure is biking with Dr. Truscott. Al, can you write me a note?

  • 5" of snow and 31f yesterday, today 35f and slush. Time to bike wet and cold or ride the trainer...

  • Embrace the warmth 

  • That sounds fabulous! Absolutely crap weather here!! Ran a 4 mile brick in pouring rain, 22mph wind and a real feel of 19 degrees?? Seriously ridiculous...
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