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IMTX WK 10 Holding the Line



  • I would do spin classes but i worry about not having a bike that is set up exaxtly.

    I should show up with my Kickr and tribike.

  • Only in IM training does a half marathon feel like a short run. http://connect.garmin.com/activity/490697254

    Another 80F/80% soaker.  Instead of flipping the switch between Z1 and Z2, I tried to progressively move from 1 to 2 to simulate the gradual unhinging of the wheel from the axle.  For the last mile, I visualized trying to chase Tim down the finishing chute.  But then a volunteer informed me that it was a three-loop run course and I had another loop to go.  Dejected, I walked in the final 0.1.

    Two weeks from today, we'll all be preoccupied with the weather, water temps and what to put in all these bags.

  • @MR....is your Garmin profile stet for public?  I couldn't view your file. 

  • @MR....is your Garmin profile stet for public?  I couldn't view your file. 

  • @JL, thanks. My tech skills are circa 1998 levels, but I think I've fixed it.

  • Posted By Mike Roberts on 01 May 2014 09:15 AM

    @JL, thanks. My tech skills are circa 1998 levels, but I think I've fixed it.

    Yep...nice pacing.  You're a machine.  And your LRP is my MP .  Oh...but you swim slower than me....wait, no....but you bike slower than me....wait, no, not that either.....but you're younger than me....wait, no not that either.  

  • @MR beautiful progressive paced HM... specially for that heat and humidity... If its anything like last year at Texas there isn't much chasing anybody down in the finishing chute... I remember thinking on the run and pretty sure its in my Race Report that if I just keep moving there is NO WAY anyone will pass me and the only way I WILL pass anyone is if I keep moving...... If we get that Texas Heat again its all about not slowing down and to just keep moving.... Pretty much doesnt resemble running in anyway shape or form !

    Hit the pool this am.. quick 2000yds in 38min as 500wu , 10 x 100 (30") , 500cd http://connect.garmin.com/activity/490662792
    TR ride http://www.trainerroad.com/cycling/rides/931424
    3 mile TM brick run at EP
  • Well...here were are closing in....yesterday I had to opt for the bike on the Trainer as the Northeast/MidAtlantic was deluged all day with torrential rain...Philly actually set a single day rainfall record...4.5+ inches...more than during Sandy..

    So it was without joy that I racked the Slice back on the Trainer and dove into Trainer Road & Sufferfest Angels...though it was kinda fun after I was set up and going...I forgot how much I enjoyed these Sufferfests...no time or inclination to run with Noah & Animals...

    Long run tee'd up for later today...really looking forward to the RR on Saturday!

  • Outside today in lovely weather. 1.5 hrs with some ftp work. 4 mile brick. Might have overcooked. 277 np. Will see how i feel tomorrow.
  • @Annie Stokes...... YES I'M COMPLAINING about riding the trainer.... I was the trainer king last year training for IMTX in NH and had enough of it..... I looked up my TR rides from last year and here is the progression of weekend long rides on the trainer starting on 1/12 and ending on 4/25 when I finally got outside for a long ride and then went to Texas early for some Heat and they had record cold .... 2:00 , 2:20 , 2:40 , 3:00 , 3:20, 3:40, 3:50, 4:00, 4:10 , 4:20, 4:30, 4:40 , 4:50, 5:00, 5:00, 5:00...... during that time frame I was doing 2 x 90minute rides on the trainer mid week....

    The TRAINER MAKES you strong!

    @Robo..... Race Ready! That is what I want to hear! This is your race !

  • Posted By robin sarner on 01 May 2014 02:48 PM

    Outside today in lovely weather. 1.5 hrs with some ftp work. 4 mile brick. Might have overcooked. 277 np. Will see how i feel tomorrow.
    NAW your good LOL!  Plenty O time.... Dont ya just hate trying to post pictures on EN... WTF they really oughta make it easier!
    She looks pretty, fast,  and worthy of the motor!

  • I've completed my Race Plan for any who are interested or would like to provide some feedback.


  • Race Rehearsal #2 is in the books. TrainingPeaks says I over cooked the bike but I felt just fine. Is there time for a quick FTP test???http://connect.garmin.com/activity/491018704

    Run was uneventful. Put a HR cap on myself at 150bpm. If I couldn't keep below 150, I walked it down to 140. Kept me honest and slow.


    Now I need a shower! Glad that is over. an unsupported unspectated race rehearsal with no one to look at is a hardening experience.
  • Thurs updates from the team show no signs of anyone slowing down!  Strong work on the long run reports coming in!

    My evening run yesterday: http://www.strava.com/activities/135979117  Day four of running.

    Long run today: http://www.strava.com/activities/136308347 Day five of running - legs feeling wobbly........

    @ Jimmy - one hell of a strong looking RR2 you laid down today!!  WTG!


    Keep moving forward all!


  • as today was my second ride outdoors, I may be the trainer king.   image

    Thanks much Tim.       Tim has been a major contributor to the training plan tweaks I am doing this year.   And a major morale supporter, as he has been to us all.           So any success will in large part be due to him. 

    yes the picture posting thing can be challenging.

    i have enjoyed riding my new rig.    I think my rig is pretty aeroed.      the aero bottle is an idea from Todd Kenyon (online fit guy).  fills up triangle space.    carries tubes and a tool.     the behind the seat bottles are low and should be in my turbulence, not the regular air flow.      I think my seat to pad drop is almost 20 cm now.    seems to be tolerable.     The Flo 90s are cute with the little wheel cover in the back.  


    good luck with the final RRs.       will be doing a bit of a shorter ride this weekend myself.

  • @Jimmy..... What the hell would you do with a new FTP number? Honestly IMO at this point its absolutely a worthless number. Would you adjust your power target based off a new FTP number? NO .... That is the importance of the RR... The RR provides you with Race Specific Data like your 6hr power instead of some silly estimate of what you may or may not be able to ride for 60 min.... That RR looks beautiful to me , VI 1.04 was due to a little too much coasting (not huge power spikes with the exception of those first two early on) the last 40-50min HR appeared to be climbing pretty good but so was the power and terrain. You said you felt good and ran well... My only suggestion would be to allow a little for what the swim will suck out of you and the HEAT since today looked like a cool day for you. What was your target before today's RR and what do you think it will be now? With a 5:28 bike split in Florida you won't be biking 6hrs in Texas . Probably 5:40 and that will more than take care of your bike TSS concerns.

    @Robo .... OK OK OK you can have the Trainer King Title I dont want it! Can't wait to see you , the new bike , and race together again!
  • Nice long run today...15 miles and 1:59hrs


    felt great, started Z1.5 and then progressed to Z2 and finished at Z3

    This is one of the last long runs as I do not want to push too much so close to the race
  • Long run done.  Wasn't sure how it was gonna go, as I have a sore throat and some wheezing/coughing.  I had no problem once I got going.  Legs were super heavy at first, but just needed to warm up!  



  • I've been traveling and working late, so I'm really behind on posting.  So let me catch-up.

    Friday - Drove my daughter to Ice Skating camp in Charleston, SC.  8 hours driving to Charleston, SC. No fun, but the 85 degree weather was a nice change.  I was able to squeeze an 1:20 on the treadmill for a total of 9 miles.    

    Saturday - I thought I had found a good place to ride my bike but it ended up being a very rough road, so my long ride turned into a short ride. 3 hours for 46 miles.  I went back to hotel and ran on the treadmill for 1:40 for 11 miles.

    Sunday - I found a much better road to ride on with literately no traffic.  I got an awesome 6 hour ride in for a total of 106 miles.  No run, had to rest up for the overnight drive back to Virginia.

    Monday - I got home at 4:00AM and had to be at work by 9AM for a meeting.  So I took the day off from IM training.

    Tuesday - Monday's swim. 4000 meters in 1:03 minutes with speed suit on.  Definitively saw an improvement in swim times with speed suit.  

    Wednesday - Bike 1:20 for 26 miles. Treadmill 40 minutes for 5 miles

    Thursday - Tuesday's swim. 4500 meters in 1:15 minutes.  Long run on the treadmill for 2:00 - 14 miles  I'm back on track now.


  • Great work everyone!.....lookin' strong...Iron-strong...

    13 last evening on the TM....8:10 avg. pace....a little leg weary...

    My plan for the weekend is swim today....RR brick tommorrow....long swim on Sunday.......

    bunch of business travel next week so mostly running...bike to TriBike Transport on Friday....making lists and checking them twice.

    ...I've lost 10 lbs. since starting Race Prep....(154-144)...without trying...(which was kinda the plan...)...feeling race ready.

  • Need advice: RR would be more convenient for me on Sunday. I CAN do it tomorrow, but Sunday would be better for family, etc. Do you think it matters?
  • @Jeff.... One day will not make a difference.... Juggling other things and still getting it done is all that matters.... This comes from somebody who is already tapering his longride from 5hrs down to 4hrs tomorrow :-)
  • @Jeff -- I'm also doing my RR on Sunday due to family stuff this wkend. Approved by Coach P as well, who recommended a 45' run with strides tomorrow and a full day off on Monday
  • Swim RR done. I'm done with those things. Just not that much fun.

    Speed suit on, went out hard the first 400, felt good, so I decided to push the whole thing, to see if I could crush my previous 1:02 and 1:04 attempts. Pretty much became a swim FTP test. By the end, form was a mess, and I was semi-hypoxic and starting to cramp. And for all that overachieving? 59:38. And that's with clean water, constant wall push-offs, and a blue line to keep me dead straight. At least now I know what 100% looks like. Content that my swim fitness is what it is, I'll revert to my race plan, which is comprised of a smooth, controlled draft off of Linda.
  • If Robin is the trainer King...then I'm the Queen image

    @Tim...I'm giving you a hard time. Jealous about all that beautiful Tucson biking! I lived in Phoenix for 11 years before moving back to MN. Think I was a triathlete then? Nope. That would have been to easy...image

    I have to give credit to you though for me signing up to do Texas in the first place!! Seriously. I always wanted to do it because the time of year is great for me, but all the indoor riding seemed a bit undoable. Then I read your race report, and saw that you did all your riding inside. I believe Robin did to. So I figured, if they can do it I can too!! So I signed up and here we are! lol!

    The body achieves what the mind believes.

    Off to do RR swim this morn after the kids are off to school.

    Keep rockin' on peeps!!!! Looking forward to seeing everyone SOON!!!
  • @Tim -
    I was kidding about the test. The ride felt fine therefor the ride was fine. My VI was high. Still trying to find balance on rolling terrain. I had an eye on my NP per lap and was just trying to stack up 160w NP laps. I let myself coast any time I needed to get the cadence into the high 90's in my biggest gear to generate power.
    My heart rate climbed steadily from start to finish but it always does. The trick for me seems to be managing the creep.
    I also might need to drink more. It was hard on a 2 loop course. I was only carrying 3 bottles per 55mi lap. On race day I will drink more.
    The weather was pretty much perfect yesterday. I dont expect to get that lucky on the 17th.
    You have a history of putting out VI = 1.00 rides on rolling terrain. How do you do it? What are you watching on your computer?
  • IMTX vets - what was your elevation change data for the bike course? I have seen two reports frim ironman. One stating that there is 1600ft of climb on the course and another showing 3600ft. It is going to be what it is going to be but I am still curious.
  • @ JA....I rode the IMTX bike course twice in March....first time Garmin (via Training Peaks) says 2000ft.  The next day, it says 1800ft?  Exact same ride.  Tim's race file from last year shows 2600 ft.  

    Interestingly, on Strava, those same two rides of mine are listed as 3600 and 4000ft?  

    I recall that SS and I had about 1000ft difference, despite the fact that we rode the exact same course on the same day, both with Garmin devices.  

    You did WAYYY more climbing yesterday....probably twice as much, at least, IMO.  

  • @MR.... Damn that is a nice swim.... Trained to swim 1hr.... Now swim a 1:03 and it will feel EASY coming out of the water FRESH! You have a good race coming up!

    @Annie.... Glad your with us at IMTX and that I mighta been a bit of a help getting you there.... You will be very strong from that trainer work.... At 80-90 miles on the bike when the entire field is saying WTF how am I gonna finish this bike ,you are going to think about those trainer rides, chuckle to yourself and simply power thru!

    @Jimmie.... a 1:04 VI isnt that high and if its caused by coasting there is ZERO cost to your body , except your time is more related to AP not NP.... I view AP as what actually moves you down the road and NP is what it feels like to you... A high VI caused by power spikes is the danger to avoid obviously....Again very nice RR and your ready! My secret to a 1.0 VI training ride? NEVER stop pedaling (and shut computer off at pee stops and refueling)..... Now a 1.0 VI race is almost impossible since I never stop.... IMTX last year was VI 1.02 ..... The reason??? Gotta pee and I cant pedal and pee at the same time.... You can see that in the power/cadence parts of the file....

    Done with my big swim only day.... STILL cant count... planned on a 5 x 1000yd wko and ended up with 1000 , 1100 , 1050 , 950 , 1000...... Did the first 4 at my swim all day pace and then picked it up a bit for the last 1000...
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