Mary R's Micro Thread
Hi Coach Patrick,
I loaded up the IM plan today...and see that the weekend holds a Big Day test...and I have a family obligation in Rochester NY.
What to do?
Also, still having hamstring pain and going to see an Ortho this week about shock wave therapy to jumpstart the healing. Been biking 4x/wk and swimming 3x/wk as well as walking 1 - 1.5 hr 2-3 times/wk. I think I could swim & bike Friday after work and then walk Saturday am before we head to NY. Look forward to your advice,
That said, it's not clear what training you can do this weekend if any. Let me know what your options are and we can go from there.
Coach Patrick,
I took Friday off and plan to swim, bike, and walk according to Saturday's plan. I am getting some more ART Friday night. And, I am waiting to see an ortho about shock wave therapy for the hamstrings. I plan to ask Chiro if it is ok to water run to get some effort logged and at a pace faster than walking. Looks like your bike trip is awesome! Enjoy the hills and the beautiful hills.
Hi Coach Patrick,
I resumed running last week. Ice baths after every workout is helping a lot. I'd love to chat for a few minutes about modifying the plan so that I can be race ready in the body that I have and not the one I wish I had
When is a good time to call between now and Friday to talk for 10-15 minutes?
Call with me
Anytime here: or you can text me: 6175133830
When's the
maybe Syracuse (work commitment may take the race off the table)
but definitely Lake Placid
Hi Coach,
I am following up on our conversation earlier today. I need to start keeping better notes and then, have them in front of me during our calls. I raced Syracuse without a heart rate strap so have no data for it
. I am still looking for that strap but am using a spare til it turns up.
Syracuse 70.3 6/22/14: Run time was 2:41:47 with a 12:18 avg. I wish I'd recorded the mat times because I remember looking at them after the race. However, I cannot find them at the Ironman results tab so only have the avg split now.
6/19 - no long run (recovery from camp week)
6/13 - 13.3 mi;Avg pace: 11:23 min/mi; Avg. HR: 138 bpm
6/5 11.66 mi; Avg. pace: 11:19 min/mi; Avg. HR: 138 bpm
6/1- 16/03 mi; Avg. pace: 14:05 min/mi; Avg. HR: 137 bpm
5/23- 12.10 mi; Avg. pace: 10:34 min/mi; Avg. HR: N/A (just got Garmin and didn't no how to set it to read HR)
5/15- 10.1 mi; Avg. pace: 11:07 min/mi; Avg. HR: 149 bpm
5/8- 8.1 mi; Avg. pace: 11:59 min/mi; Avg. HR: 138 bpm
Ok, I see the pattern with the HR and pace. And, I think I need to adjust my expectations on pace for the run portion of LP. I am going to write a RR plan for this weekend. It is going to be interesting to see how things go.
Thanks for your help and guidance. I am going to pick up some salt pills for the ride too.
Looking forward to your comments,
Race but it will get me to the finish line:)
Do I want salt tabs or electrolyte tabs?
I have some electrolyte tabs that I can use during my RR this weekend, if ok. If not, I need to pick up salt tabs
Thanks Coach,
I added them to the routine. Not sure if they helped or not and am going to read up on why I need them. The ride went well, I was hydrated and stopped twice (first time so that is GOOD!).
Hi Coach Patrick,
I am heading to Pittsburgh next Saturday to celebrate my niece's Master's degree. I am in the midst of a 4 week bike focus plan. I won't be bringing my bike to Pittsburgh Saturday. So, should I double up the Friday and Saturday bike workouts and then do the run Sunday morning before I hit the road to return to Jersey?
Hi Coach Patrick,
I am in week 12 of a HIM training plan. I am going to need to adjust the schedule due to flight travel this weekend. How should I shuffle the workouts so that I get the long bikes in beforehand? I am leaving very early Saturday and running a half marathon on Sunday.
I will be renting a bike for the week following so could move the Sunday ride to Monday...but when should i do Saturday's ride?
As for moving the Sunday ride to Monday, I would do it for time and not so much the intensity. have a great time at the race!!
Sorry for the last minute question but I just took a look at tomorrow's workout.
It is time to plan race strategy.
I have not had a good run for a half or my full IM.
What do I need to do, look at, pace so that I can feel accomplished when I compete at this race?
What do you think?
My bike usually feels fine. I have added sodium to the mix but when I start the run, I end up hurting, feeling exhausted, walking, and, generally sucking wind.
I need a better strategy for success.
Please help.
Generally we suggest you run the same HR you ended the bike with (like last hour of bike) for the first 3 miles if your HIM. So run that HR (search your memory banks) then steady the rest of the run.
Plse really record everything you do tomorrow (food, pacing, etc) so we can continue it dig deeper when you report back!
Hi Coach Patrick,
Thank you for the feedback and review of my Garmin files from San Juan race. Needless to say, I learned a LOT about how to look at a file and what to look for in the data. I know i am a newbie, but, sometimes, just getting my shoes on and getting the Garmin set to the right sport seems to be a massive effort. Now, in addition to just getting the work done, I am paying attention to the data.
I have no idea why my average cadence for the bike was so low. It really didn't feel like a tough bike. I did have trouble getting started on taking in fluids though and i think that really hurt me. I have my first RR scheduled this weekend. I am going to try to do the nutrition very differently and see what happens. I am also going to pay attention to the NP. I checked prior race rehearsal data for average Heart Rate and NP. There is no data from RR2 as I had to use a rented bike (mine shipped to PR so I didn't have it). RR1 had an average HR of 126 and an NP of 120. I guess this means i am not riding hard enough during training. My FTP is 150. I honestly thought I was riding much, much closer to this number. For what it's worth, my average cadence was 83 RPM. I think I usually ride with an average cadence of 80-85. I will shoot for 85-90 for this weekend's ride.
I really feel like i have a lot to learn. And, that I am not doing this right at all. I also don't know why the ride looks so variable, it was a flat course and I pedaled steady (at least i thought i did). Lessons learned and i will see how i can improve this. Thanks again for the insight.
I know I won't ever go pro but I do want to reach my potential.
Whatever that may be. And, I am pretty sure I am able to improve my efforts, with help, of course.
This is all so new to me.
It's a bit like learning a new language.
Happy training!
I am sick and have a race next week. Not sure if it's allergies, sinus infection or just crap.
I have a lot of chest congestion and didn't swim Monday or Tuesday.
Should I try to make up the swims or try to beat this thing first?
Thanks for the guidance,