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2014 IMTX Race Day Thread

Hi Team, this thread is to be used on race day to comment on race conditions, observations on how our team are doing during the race, or just to provide some mojo on race day.  Post away.


  • Sending some Motor City Mojo to the EN peeps racing IMTX! image
  • Good luck team! Have fund, execute and stay hydrated
  • Tim out of the water 12 minutes ahead of last year and 8 minutes ahead of his race plan! Go Tim!

  • TimC, RobS & MikeR thu the 30 mile split within 3 minutes of each other..... there all flying!
  • Was watching for Tim Robin and Mike at Bike-in and saw a dude in a black EN outfit.... was confused a first but now realize it was Tim....

    Also saw Robin and Mike come thru about 15 minutes later.

    Boy, that cement post at the bike in has caused a lot of chaos and even taken a few bikes out.

    Then there was this guy who came thru STILL PEDDLING his bike!!! Doh!
  • Wow! Robin and Tim finished 103 and 104 overall and 8 seconds apart! Can't wait to hear the story on that one.
  • Robin, congrats on running your way to 8th and running to your potential.  That was smokin' fast!

    Tim another solid performance!!! Your consistency is top notch.

    Saw a few other EN'ers cross the finish.  Congrats!!!

    Annie - you are amazing!!!  I was so worried about you.  Thanks to your friend Sadie she told me about your crash.  You are a fighter and I know you will cross that finish line. 

  • Great execution by the EN team at IMTX.
  • Really impressive performances all around. 2 folks sub 10:00...3 top ten AG finishes. You all rocked it! Congratulations to everyone that toed the line!!
  • Annie, Congratulations on making it to the finish line!!!!  Your determination and strength is inspiring!!!
  • Annie, Congratulations on making it to the finish line!!!!  Your determination and strength is inspiring.
  • Thanks for all the kind words.... Wetsuit swim, low temps and humidity for Texas , and strong winds made for a easier swim and run but a rougher bike this year.... Wish I could say it was uneventful for all but I think we had 4 crashes in the EN team... Hoping everybody is OK.
  • Thanks all.
    Couple hundred yards out from finish saw EN emblem. Sprinted. Hand clasp. Then passed. Fun to be mixing it up with tim.
    I guess i shouldn't be too disappointed with bike. 3-4 minutes of mechanical. And gi issues.
    But manged gi issues with backing off the blanking Perform and gels. Added water and salt.
    Getting closer to running the could. Matter of getting some speed when body and heart rate allow. And not slowing down too much.
  • Hope our crashed folks are doing ok.

    Looks like all but one of us finished.

  • what great group! when you finish towards the bottom of the team and are still in the top 1/3 of your age group, then you know that you picked the right team.
  • Just back from Lake Placid trg weekend, but too all you IMTX'er's well done all, clap clap clap, virtual high five ! Rest and recover, enjoy the down time. For those who had accidents hope all is well and speedy recoveries !


  • What an incredible experience! Thank you team for being so helpful. It was a pleasure meeting you all. Although my line came early due to nutrition blunder, (lost a bottle at mile 12 of bike) I still was able to finish with a smile on my face. Oh that gorilla tried to take me out, but I don't go down that easy. Fight club showed up and the job got done. See you all again soon. EB
  • First Ironman in the books, and I tell you that the incredible experience that I had was largely due to Endurance Nation, Coach P, and the rest of the team that I met in March at the training camp or just this past weekend. I'm proud to rep the colors when I train and race. Not sure what's next besides a little rest, but I plan to see you guys back out there soon!
  • My congratulations to all you IMTXers....I followed you all & most through NovOS and IMTX Race Prep....and you were all inspiring...it was awesome to see all your hard work come out on race day!...Great Work by all.

  • Congrats to all my fellow racers.   Thanks for the various interactions we had.

    Special congrats to the folks that had significant adversity during the day.    Bike wipeouts, mechanical issues, shifting of expectations, mental challenges, etc.          I probably would have just called it a day with a lot of the situations.

    We are having a current Groupme discussion about facing disappointment after the race.        While I was lucky enough not to have any big problems from factors beyond my control, I share some similar feelings.     

    lots of positive aspects of this race for me.    breakthrough run.   best time.   best placing.     10th start and 10th finish of an ironman.  enjoying running well.     the joy of finishing.      enjoying sharing with family.    chance to have some special interactions with teammates.      chance to self explore further.   etc.   etc.

    But disappointed in not making Kona yet.    This can become a consuming thing.     

    And we all probably get some post race depression which is a natural physiological response.

    So for me, have to remind myself of the positive aspects of the process of training and of the race itself.        Look towards the goal but not become fixated on this as the sole thing.     Try to keep some sort of life balance.               And, when and if this all stops being fun, know when to pull the plug.

    So thanks all and best of luck in your future trajectories. 


  • I do this analysis for myself to help me better understand my day and the rest of my age group.  Since there were other EN teammates in my AG I added their data and am uploading this for the group.  If you want the raw data let me know and I'll send along the excel file.

    Sorry - can't figure out how to get the image to display but it's available for download...


  • Thanks, Clark.  So . . . I guess you, me and Robin are above average.  I'll take it.
  • Mike, I like the term "fast and balanced" implying a proportional expenditure of energy across both the bike and run. The other way I look at this is how I want to "move my point" for the next race. If you look at my point for IMTX 2013 vs 2014, it moved straight down quite a bit. Down is a good thing, but I would also like to see some movement to the left, to get a little more balance. The visualization helps me to think about what I want to focus my future work.


  • clark - I love stuff like this.
    How did you get the raw data into excel? Were you able to cut and paste from the results website? I couldn't get it to work and faced with entering it manually, stopped.
  • I was able to cut and paste with a little bit of massage in the middle.  I've attached the M 40-44 AG for you.  Let me know if you want my spreadsheet as a sample.

    I had to rename the file as a jpg to get it to upload. You should be able to download it, change the extension and open it without issue.  If you run into trouble, Iet me know and I'll email you the file.


  • Clark...that is totally cool.  I'd love to see where I sit too.  I was able to get your M40-44 file into excel, but can't figure out how to make that cool scatter plot (I could only get both bike and run on the same axis...I'm not computer savvy, obviously.  I agree that this is very helpful to visually see where improvements are possible and most beneficial.  

    If you already have it made, can you email it to me?  jaleslie72@gmail.com

    Thanks.  Jeff

  • Thanks Clark.

    Too bit i wasn,t a bit more to the left and down.
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