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Mark's Wk 18 Quassy RR Plan

A little background, M55-59, 6'3" 195#, so I'm on the high end of calorie intake. FTP 226, vDOT 35. I have done 3 local HIM's with no real race plan, poor execution, and of course did a lot of walking at the end. This will be my first race with EN, so any and all comments and suggestions are very welcome.

Up at 4am. Breakfast:      Cliffbar, 1 cup applesauce , banana, sports drink, coffee = 560 cal.

0700 out the door: 56 mi bike.  First 20-30' Zn-1-2 WU and build into Zn-3 (226x.8=181w). Course is a little hilly, but my goal is to ride steady, which is a work in progress.  Nutrician plan per hr. 30 oz Gatorade Endurance, 1/2 Powerbar at 20 min. changing to Powerbar gel w/ caffeine. 300 cals/800 mg. sodium per hr.

Run: First 3 mis. @ Zn-2+30", then 3 mis @ Zn 2. I am not a fast runner, but my training runs have been steady and that's my race goal. Nutrician plan: 24 oz. Gatorade Endurance + a Chomp per mile using 30 pace walks every mile for hyd./nut. 295 cals/655 mg sodium.

I picked Gatorade Endurance because I read that's what's on the course . If it's Perform I'm ok. If it's regular Gatorade, I can adjust sodium with Saltsticks . 

If my neck or back gets sore riding aero, I am going to take a Tylenol because I've never done it before and want to see what happens.                                                                                                                                                                                


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