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Tooth decay from all the sugars

Wondering if anyone has any thoughts on this. I am a bit concerned about the effects of energy drinks, gels etc on my teeth. I spoke to my dentist today and they suggest a prescription toothpaste with more fluoride. I don't have any tooth decay symptoms yet. I sometimes brush my teeth after training when I have consumed a lot of this stuff.


  • David, I got the Feedzone Cookbook a couple of years ago and I make a lot of the food I eat on the bike now. I do blocks, bars, and gels on the run however and I drink Skratch labs or Osmo hydration drinks. I have also been using Prevident for a number of years (a prescription toothpaste with higher floride) because I had some enamel erosion around the gum line on some of my teeth. I haven't had any cavities in a number of years. Too many variables to tell you why though. I sometimes wish there were several of me so that I could do experiments.
  • Thanks for the suggestion Mark. I am going to get the Feed Zone Cookbook and the Feed Zone Portables book from my local library and check them out. I am not sure if I will be able to make all my own food, but I like the idea versus adding more chemicals to the mix.

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