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Thomas Jones RR for 05/31 OLY

Well, I completed my 1st RR since joining EN in September 2013. Prior to this season, I had not participated in a triathlon since 2009. I did my 1st Sprint this season on 04/26. That was my first time in open water since 2009. Today was my 2nd time. This RR definitely helped to restore my confidence in swimming longer distances in open water (I was a little nervous before today). I was also able to validate my nutrition for SC races. Overall, it was  a great experience (except for losing my wedding ring on a turn on a rock during the swim). I am looking forward to my 1st OLY on 05/31 in Montgomery, AL. Here is a summary of my experience:

NUTRITION: Ben Greenfield Protocol

For my long Saturday workouts, I have been using the following: 2 packet UCAN superstarch, 2 bottle X2 performance. 15 MAP amino acid tablets, and 2 tbs MCT oil. I also added a few salt stick capsules to be on the safe side from a sodium perspective. I used this protocol for today's RR as well. In addition, I use Emergen-C's electrolyte mix in my water in my torpedo on the bike and my bottle on the run.

Today, I drank 5-10 ounces of my protocol mix pre-workout. I also drank 10 ounces of electrolyte water per-workout. I drank 15-20 ounces of the protocol mix on the bike and another 15 ounces of electrolyte water. I drank 5 ounces of the protocol mix at T2 and ~10 ounces of electrolyte water during the run.  Today was a milder, overcast day. I felt great throughout all phases of today's RR, so I think I am good from a nutrition perspective. I am playing around with solid nutrition I will add when I shift to my HIM plan in August.

SWIM: 0.86 miles; 37:11; SR - 26 strokes/min; SD - 1.2 meters/stroke; Pace - 2:27

Well, I had my auto lap set up incorrectly on my 910, so I turned around too early and had to make up distance on the back end of the race. That is also why I was short .04 miles overall. I also lost my wedding ring on a rock on one of the turns, so I took a few minutes to search for it during the swim (unfortunately, no luck finding it). I felt like this was one of my best swims from an energy conservation perspective (primarily due to some technical corrections made by my coach that reduced drag and kept me in the 'tube' better). I will continue to work on drills and technique to improve my pacing down to the acceptable range (below 2:00)

Garmin Connect (SWIM): http://connect.garmin.com/activity/506021811

BIKE: 24.79 miles; FTP - 228w; NP - 212w; IF 0,93; Avg. Cadence - 85; Avg. Speed: 17/7 mph

Well. my new 810 Edge arrived yesterday and I could nor resist using it today (even though it was against my better judgment and the EN direction of not trying anything new on RR or races). So my lap screen was accidently set to OFF, so I was flying blind on the ride (without my 3s power and lap cadence to manage the hills). I was forced to manage the ride based on NP and IF, which are on my overall ride screen. I have updated my activity pages, so that should not be a problem going forward. I felt really good on the bike. I am considering increasing my IF to 0.95-0.97 next week. What are your thoughts on that? Also, any other feedback as to how I can improve my bike performance for the race next weekend? See link to the ride below:

Garmin Connect (BIKE): http://connect.garmin.com/activity/505960458

RUN: 3.11 miles; 23:57; 7:42 min/mi; avg, cadence - 85;  z5 - 7:47; last 5 k TT - 7:47

I felt really good on the run today. I was able to maintain z5 the whole time. For next weekend, I think I will start off with an 8:15 pace and go from there. I averaged 8:30 on my 04/26 sprint (which was a very hilly course). I ran with my electrolyte water for the 1st time and I think I will keep doing that. It worked out well. Any other feedback from the team? See the link below:

Garmin Connect (RUN): http://connect.garmin.com/activity/506021786



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