Joe Krum's Macro Thread
Just completed the Advanced Get Faster segment of the training schedule you designed and I'm scheduled to roll into the Short Course to prep for the Chicago ITU. As of today, it's very unlikely that I'll travel to Chicago for that race. How would that affect my plan? Only races on the calendar (in ink) are the Big Kahuna Half Iron in Septemebr and my A Race, IMAZ, in November. A couple of events that I'm considering
June 21 Big Ring century (or the metric version) - strictly as a training ride if you think it wise
June 5-July 31 - "coveathlon" race series: weekly 1k open water swim, 5 k run (offered Thursday nights for 8 weeks) - again, if it makes sense in my overall plan.
Thoughts? JK
Hi Joe,
Please take the Triathlon Season RoadMap survey under the Training tab above and I'll plan that out for you. I think the Big Ring century just goes up and down the bikes paths near the coast? I think last year I rode down the coast to Solana beach, starting from the Anahiem train station and taking the train back, and it was on the same day as this century...or at least I remember seeing a shit ton of cyclist with Big Ring Something jerseys on. It seemed very sketchy to me and I personally don't see any reason to pay to ride a century on bike paths...then again, I fookin' hate the bike paths. Many, many miles on them over the years.
Do you own a powermeter? Highly recommend (require
) you own a PM first before fancy wheels. Email if you're interested in a quote...and I also sell wheels through
Ok. In that case I can get you whatever wheels you're interested in through Wheelbuilder. Email me for a quote.
One of my IMAZ training partners is using an older version of your IM plan. Long bike during race prep has a significant number of Z4 intervals. The current plan is all about High Z2 Low Z3 Steady. My current FTP is 234 (calculated on a trainer). I hope to raise that to at least 250 before the race (trying to "make it so!"). My goal at IMAZ requires a 21+mph avg. Am I really ready to go long and steady?
Similar question on the long runs. Current plan is for a lot of time spent in Z1 which calculates to 8:58 pace which seems really slow. I did not have a good run in Oceanside this year (my first 70.3 race) because I didn't understand how to race the bike and still averaged 7:52. JK
What training plan are you in? What training plan (year, ability) is your friend using? We've changed these plans every year based on what we've learned each season, feedback from the athletes, etc. Notes:
I guess the theme here is that the deeper you go into your IM training, it's less and less about making you faster and instead about building and consolidating your endurance on top of the FAST that you've built across the rest of the year. This is fundamentally how we train around here and exactly why I almost never put anyone into more than about the last 12wks of the IM plan, so we can maximize the amount of time we spend making you faster.
Why long ride in the trainer in SoCal?? The intervals in the long rides aren't "bad," just that they are often tough to manage with everything else in the plan.
You will be able to hold more watts outside vs inside. More watts is always good.
Any implications to moving camp week up to this week (Week 14) instead of next week? Modifications required?
Nope, that's fine. Either wk 14 or 15 works.
If you can get it in, yes. If not, don't sweat it. Yeah...fookin' hot. 103f up here yesterday, friggin Oct 5th. Crazy.
Great to meet you yesterday! Despite a number of rookie mistakes, I was very happy with my first full Ironman coming in at 10:57. I'm still trying to decipher my performance on the bike in the wind. Level of effort felt like I was pushing it but, if the Garmin, doesn't lie, my power numbers are below where I expected. I'd be happy to send you whatever data I have. If I ever contemplate another full, I think it would be with the intention of trying to qualify for Kona (I'd have the benefit of aging up to the 50+ bracket next year). In the meantime, I'm eyeing a few half distance races (St. George in May for starters) and I'm signed up for the Surf City Half Marathon on Super Bowl Sunday. I'd love your feedback on my potential and recommended areas of focus as well as advice on how to proceed in the next few weeks. JK
Hey Joe,
Great meeting you as well!
Thanks for the new training calendar. I have since followed through and recommitted to Smile Train for IMAZ in 2015 (as contemplated in the plan you put together). I'm still interested in your thoughts, based upon my race report (or any additional data that I'd be happy to provide) on where I'll need to be to be competitive for a Kona slot (in my new 50-54 age bracket!) in terms of bike FTP and run pacing. I seem to recall a directive in an article you penned to "make it so" - need to know what I'm aiming for! Also, a random question, is there any downside to spending time on my road bike (vs. tri bike) at this point in the season?