Race Season Decisions
I am concerned that there are no race threads for the HITS Series Races and I have chosen to sign up for one as my inaugural "ultra" or "full" distance triathlon. Did I miss something when I signed up?
Additionally, I am contemplating a second full distance this season, but am torn between IMMD and Rev3CP. Understanding that I do not have huge aspirations to earn a qualifying spot for Kona, is there anything from a race sponsor perspective that I should consider here? I saw a Rev 3 Tri last summer at Quassy and it seemed to be well run to me.
I've heard good things about Rev3 CP which I believe is their only full distance race. IMMD is basically just double the Eagleman 70.3 course. I haven't done that but it has followers and detractors. Could be flat, hot, muggy, windy, buggy, yucky swim with nettles, little for the family to do, etc. Without having done either of them, Rev3CP seems like the better choice.
Hey Joe,
With so many members and so many races, we have to draw a line regarding for what races we'll fire up a formal Race Group. Otherwise we'd have 10 groups for the Podunk, Pottersville, Hooterville Half, etc, each of 2-3 people in them, not talking to each other
and that's not good for you or for us.
And, frankly, we're not very keen on the HITS series, especially the full IM distance. I've just seen too many reports of them not getting very simple, mission critical things right -- well marked, safe course, well stocked aid stations, etc. They seem to continually screw up these simple, but essential things.
The race for you to do is the one that best works for your schedule, your personal life, your wallet, etc. Many, many EN athletes are racing IMMD this year (is it still open?) but by all accounts lodging is going to be a bitch to arrange. So if you want to do the race, probably need to jump on that sooner rather than later, at least so you can begin to sort out the logistics.
Got it on the Race Groups and HITS series. I got talked into it by a co-worker who subsequently downgraded to the Half distance. Not awesome.
According to the website, IMMD is still open. I was waiting to sign up until after I completed the Full here in June to see if I would even want to do another full. It is my first full distance. I can probably layout some reservations to get the logistics sorted before commiting to the raqce though. I will start doing that.
My season roadmap ends after the full in June to discuss further with you where I want to go, or at least that's why I thought we ended it there. No real questions here, just statements.
Thanks for the feedback.
Thanks for the insight. I am probably leaning toward the IMMD despite the potential difficulties there because of some schedule constraints.
Hey Joe: