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Team Update: May 29th, 2014



  Welcome to Your EN Weekly Update!

From the Coaches

Year Two of the Three Year Plan

Our next installment of the 3YP, our effort to layout the EN Big Picture for You, is complete! Please read it here!

Reworked "Nutrition Central" Landing Page

 The Nutrition Central landing page in the Wiki has been reworked. Notes:

  • Organized everything into a four step process, arranged chronologically.
  • Updated language on the original three pages to clarify timeline, process, etc.
  • Updated the calculator sheet to separate the bike math from the run math.
  • Created a "Basic Nutrition Plan," for if you just woke up four weeks out from your race or need a plan to get through the day.

Permanent Crucible File Analysis Home

That's right, now when your crucible file is done it will be stored in the EN Wiki for eternity for you (and others!) to watch and learn from. You can view the Crucible File Archives page here

**Uniform Update**

All of our items from Louis Garneau have shipped, and Brand Evolutions, our order fulfillment company, will receive them tomorrow, 5/30 and Monday, 6/2. They will begin shipping everything out right away so look for your order in the mail by the end of next week, or soon after about June 9th!

Coach Chats 

Blog Update: Ironman Texas Race Reports

The 2014 Ironman season has begun and that means lots of awesome race reports posted to the EN Blog!

New Podcasts:

From the Race Director

Race Updates: Rev3 Quassy and Raleigh 70.3 are coming up!

First month of real racing is done, and things look great!! Congrats to everyone who raced...June kicks off with a bang at Rev3Quassy (key race) and Raleigh 70.3....you can follow all the updates on the Dashboard or on social media using the hashtags #workworks and #fourkeys

Help TeamEN Win (again) WTC's Tri Club Competition for 2014!

The season is well under way, which means that our Triclub Competition Division 1 Crown is up for grabs. We have already been on the podium 3 times thus far this year, with a WIN at IMTX this past weekend. Helps us secure the win again in 2015 by registering in the program. Find out more about the program by visiting this link

Race Captains Wanted

We are still looking for race captains for some upcoming races and could really use your help. Find out more details here

NEW SPONSOR: Blue Bicycles and TTBikeFit!

We are very pleased to announce our first ever “bike deal” in partnership with Todd Kenyon of TTBikeFit (www.ttbikefit.com). As a Member, you will be able to save some serious money on a new Blue bike -- tri, road or cross. More importantly, the price includes a pre- and post-purchase bike fit -- which can be done online or in person here in Rhode Island. Learn more about this incredible deal for the 2014 season online here.

Thanks again for choosing Endurance Nation!

Rich and Patrick

Your Endurance Nation Coaches

PS - Remember, we're here to help you 24/7 via our
support email service. Don't be shy!


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