56 mile ride - HR low, power low, legs burning
So, I did a 56 mile ride today and my avg HR for the ride was 139, which is like "recovery" zone for me.
However, I felt like I was pushing pretty good...at least the burn in my legs was telling me that.
I've only been training with power since December and this is my second year of triathlon. Also, my knees were pretty achy half way through the ride and to the end.
I've only done 50+ miles one time before, so this is new for me. Usually I don't do more than 20 to 25 miles on a given ride.
So, are these just "growing pains"? Or do I need to push through the discomfort more?
I am not sure what "type" of wko it was supposed to be?
In any case, your last 2 hours had VI's of 1.12 and 1.1 — second last hour had Pnorm 146 watts, Pav 130 watts (VI = 1.12), and last hour Pnorm of 143 watts, Pav 130watts (VI = 1.1).
The VI is a "measure" of how tired you got producing Pav of 130 watts (VI = Pnorm/Pav). It is the Pav that pushes you down the road.
A well executed IM or HIM bike split should have a VI around 1.03 — meaning that for Pav = 130 watts, your Pnorm should be around 134 watts.
So, at least one reason for your legs burning was that you need to learn to ride steadier.
Also what is your FTP?
You should be able to ride 56 miles @ 0.8 * FTP.
Recover well, spin it out, get the lactate out, and do it again on your next opportunity. If your Saturday calls for 2x 20's plus more at 85% or VO2 work, go back to SCT and hit your intervals bet don't get too caught up in the End of the Ride values. If you chase that, you will work too hard on the false flats during warmup/recoveries and you sabotage your intervals. Hit your intervals. Just use SCT whenever you can, whenever admin time doesn't kill the day to get there, to drip in volume.
Won't be long before 2.5-3 hrs is comfortable.
My wko was to do 2 x 12' at 95-100% FTP. I only did one of those.
There were also 9 x 1 minute (1') zone 5 effort - I only did 2 of those.
The rest was ride at 80-85% which I tried to do.
I don't know...I should have pushed harder to hit the intervals, but I just felt tired today.
I wasn't being critical. I was just wanted to compare your actual wko with what the plan had.
As Chris says, (in effect) the wko is over, now is time to recover and reload for the next wko.
If you haven't seen this before, check out Coach P's tips if you are struggling to hit the intervals http://members.endurancenation.us/Resources/Wiki/tabid/91/Default.aspx?topic=WorkOut+Triage
@Peter No worries, mate! Be as critical as you like.
Between nearly 3900 ft elevation gain and more than doubling your normal mileage, you SHOULD be fatigued. As you ride that mileage more and more in prep for your 70.3 you'll get used to it.The .68 IF shows that you just need more endurance (i.e. seat time). When you race you'll want that IF closer to .76-.78.
If you do 20 - 25 mile rides mostly and push out a 56 on any given day, yep you should feel that feel.
HR is funny in a way exp; your HR was 139 cool.... what was your max? 160ish , what was your minimum? 90ish, these two numbers get you your average so don't think you weren't pushing yourself as you earned your aches and pains no doubt.
Learn up on normalized power set your power device to display that as well as current watts these 2 put together will allow you to ride much more steady. Having said that if you do double your ride distance without incensing your weekly rides a tad you will still be sore. Time crunched? Ride your shorter days harder.