Hey Rich, I was just catching this weeks webcast and was pleased at WHY we don't do the volume and subscribe to quality over quantity. I also heard what you said about TSS and IF. Now back in the beginning of May I did the Carolina 1/2IM and did a bike split of 2'53". I had a TSS of 211, and a IF of .85. Now my nutrition was really off but do those numbers also tell a tale of me over doing it on the bike?
Eric DePoto
First things I always ask are:
In other words, confirm that you did all of the admin stuff correct first, so that we know your IF and TSS numbers above are correct. Assuming yes:
In my experience, as a guy who's done a lot of hard rides of many, many different lengths, riding 2:53 at .85 and putting up 211 TSS...would make for a challenging run. Not a death march, but I certainly wouldn't have set myself up to run well off the bike.
I'm going to move your post to the Power Forum, where more people will see it and can learn from it.
I just redid my FTP test and had some questions. First, on my Garmin 500, it states that I was at avg. pwr of 254, a "Max Avg Pwr (20 min)" of 293 and a NP of 268. Which numbers do I figure my FTP off of?
Thanks ahead for the insight.