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Time to taper....

Drove down to Charleston again for the second 56/6 RR. Ate the night before and breakfast as on race day. Had previously done the swim RR in a pool, about what I expected.

Started just before 9 am to mimic timing of race day. Today was warm, which was good. Got a good test of hydration/electrolyte/calorie intake.

Goal was to ride 30' at 240w, then 253 thereafter. There's always wind down there, so stick to the watts. Drink concentrate with water and Succeed tabs if needed every 30'. Rode 56 in 2:25 at 254w NP, slightly over my goal of 83% . First 30' a bit high at 251, balance at 256. Legs, although fatigued, felt strong to end of ride and power graph shows it. Nutrition/fluids were perfect, had a half bottle water left.

Took a few minutes to load bike and start run. Goal was to go out at 7:45 and back at 7:15 pace. Out was 7:41 and back at 7:15 on the button. It was hard though....I'll have to dig deep on race day to hit my goal run pace for 10 miles...but I guess that's why we train all winter in the cave, huh ? I'll need al the EN mojo I can get on race day !!!!!!

Overall, all systems go for NOLA.


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    Sounds like you had a good day, which is awesome. My only question is did the legs feel bad in the beginning or the end?

    Good luck and enjoy the taper.


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    Thanks Steven. Never felt bad, just fatigued, more at start which has been the case for most of workouts over the past several weeks !
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    Great RR!  Good luck on race day.

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    Nice Job. Stick to your plan on race day and the last few miles of the run will still be tough but you will be able to do them after tapering.
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    Very Nice!!  Way to hold to your watts and paces, gives you much needed confidence going in.  Just remember if you stuck it out even though tough in training, on race day, with all the hype you will be able to push through for the 13.1 on the run paces.  Remember have fun its all a game.

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    Good job. I agree with what others have already said- you'll be tapered & well rested on race day- so it should feel a little easier when you get to those first few miles of the run (don't be lulled into a false sense of security)! If you stick to the plan, the last few miles will be tough, but if you have your "one thing" worked out you should be able to dig deep to get them done.

    Have a great time! We look forward to reading the Race Report next!!
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