Garmin 910xt auto-download/delete
Between Garmin Connect (with the Garmin communicator plug-in), Garmin ANT+ Agent and Garmin Express, I can't understand why my workout files/activities cannot be found on my 910xt once I try to pull the info into TrainingPeaks WKO+ (PC desktop version).
It seems something, somewhere is deleting the files once it's downloaded into Connect.
I've had to export my files/activities from Connect back to TrainingPeaks WKO+, which requires some manual work that should be unnecessary.
I've found every setting I can and set them to NOT do that, but am wondering if I'm missing something.
I wish they'd just move to ONE SINGLE download agent and process (ex, USB, ANT+, Bluetooth...anything) and axe the rest! Guess that's a pipe dream.
Any ideas on what to check?
Regarding manually transferring things from Garmin Connect to TrainingPeaks, I use an online program called Tapiriik ( It works as a single download agent since it automatically syncs Garmin Connect and TP (as well as several other programs) after you upload to Garmin Connect. I just signed up for it this week on the recommendation of someone else, and it's great. I think it syncs every hour so, after I upload something to Garmin Connect, the workout magically appears in TP shortly thereafter. I think it is about $2 per year to use Tapiriik - the time savings alone is well worth that.
Ditto, on what John said. DC Rainmaker has a page on a couple ways to sync your data.
Scott -I'm not sure how the interaction with Garmin Express plays into this. But to see if your Garmin is set to auto erase activities follow these steps (I'm on a PC - not sure if this is different for a MAC):
1) Transfer an activity to Garmin Connect via the Garnin ANT+ Agent.
2) Once the activity has been transferred right click on the ANT+ Agent icon at the bottom right hand corner of your screen
3) Click on the "Device Settings" option
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