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IMLP 2014 - "mini" Big Tri Week starting 6/17?

In my yearly planning I had penciled in that either this week or next week I would plan a Big Tri Week, following the BTW protocol.  It turns out that this week was not a good fit from a personal scheduling standpoint and so if I did a BTW, it would be next week.

Some background (for perspective on my experience/history) and goals:

I did 2 half IM's last year with the AAA race being Savage Man where I sneaked in a 2nd place in my AG (40-45).  My strength is the run, but my bike is catching up nicely.  IMLP 2014 is my AAA goal race (and likely my only race) this year (last IM was 2008 at placid in 10:42).  I AM (not "thinking of" or "planning to") racing this time to see just how far up in the pack I can move.  I am realistic that my chances of a qualifying spot this year are not realistic, but it is a goal (BHAG for those familiar with the term).  I feel comfortable that a top 25-30 ag placing is possible based on my testing, and some historical results (I was at the race the last couple of years and comparing times WITH conditions is how I calculated my target).  My training since last fall has been, by far, my most consistent (again, for me) and highest quality training.  I missed a couple of days due to being sick once in early winter and I missed/modified 3 workouts a couple 2 weeks ago due to some work stuff.  I have had no significant injuries.  Testing numbers are at or near all time highs (vdot 55, w/kg 4.13) and body comp is very good (thanks in part to the "No Alcohol, No Exceptions" rule).  I did a BBW stretch last year right around this time using the gran fondo ride in MD (300 miles, 36K feet of climbing over 4 days) as the venue and held up pretty well.  

BTW thoughts:

Having read through the protocols it seems that 5 weeks out from the race might be a little close to the race to be fully recovered in time from a fatigue standpoint.  Thoughts?  I would consider myself "experienced", from a endurance training history perspective, which might suggest this is doable for me.  I do have one day next week where I may need to do a down-and-back travel for work, which I would line up to be the "bounce" day (and could take off completely if not feeling well).  I don't need to be on the train that day until mid-morning.  My thinking would be to follow the protocol for the advanced plan with Day 1 being Tuesday (thinking of just doing the planned swim and easy run on Monday...dropping hills).  Saturday would be the last day (day 5) and I would likely take Sunday completely off.  I assume/plan I would do a reverse taper the following mon-wed.  I work from home full time and have communicated that I would be taking at least 1/2 days off and likely a full day off on the 2 biggest days.  I would be doing the training from "home base", but my family will support me and recognizes that I will need "extra rest" during that week, along with other logistical support (meals, etc).  My response to the "Why do this?" question is not so much about just getting in huge miles, but is more about the confidence/lift I feel I get from the dedicated time going no harder than IM race pace (that is my thought on the specific workouts...let me know if that is the incorrect thinking).  Sort of a "building up the bottom end..." type of thinking.


1) Is there much risk with the camp being positioned at this point in the calendar given the above thoughts?  If this is too risky, I'm fine with just following the regular plan for that week.  The major risk I see is around the timing, with another notable risk being the travel on Day 3.  If the work travel on Day 3 is more than just a notable risk, I can cancel that travel without too much push back from work (they have been supportive and know what I'm training for).

2) Are there any mods that might make sense given the position in the calendar, risk, etc?

3) Given the fact that this will be a "home based" training camp, I recognize that is less than ideal.  My reasons are mainly that I am looking to not spend too much extra money and it is a agreeable compromise with the wife (again...she has been and always was very supportive of my goals).  Is the "home based" approach a major concern?  

Thanks for any feedback/thoughts...just writing it out like this was helpful for me.  



  • David - this is great stuff, thanks for putting it all out there! I think your BTW is fine, ESP with the day off option if needed. If you can recover properly and fuel "ahead" ( eating on day one workout for day two, etc.) then you should have no issues.

    Just more time on the bike as a Mod for you, or swim. Your run is pretty well maxed put at this point.

    Home base is fine...just try to stay focused!!!!! :)
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