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I did my race rehearsal #2 yesterday. Below are my results and below that was my plan.

Breakfast went well although for the applesauce to really "work" I should be doing it 3 hours prior like I would do on race day but the 2:20AM wake up was unappealing.
Started biking ~5:25AM Temp was ~50 degrees. Opted for no layers.

112 miles done at 208W NP and 202 avg power. (Goal was 207W NP). VI was 1.03 and improved over RR#1. First 30 minutes done at 200W. Overdid my watts a little on laps 2-6 and paid for it with laps 11&12. Good lesson learned and will need to be sure the hills that start at mile 19 don't do that to me or i'll pay the price in the last 20 miles. Garmin connect file at http://connect.garmin.com/activity/518662560

Run was good but once again had hard time slowing down for those first few miles. I leave out of transition running a 7:25 and it feels like I'm doing a 9 minute pace. Avg 8:06 over the 6 miles. On race day, I am going to need to walk each aid station during those first 6 if I've not succeeded in slowing down enough for those first 3-6. Run felt great http://connect.garmin.com/activity/518662783

Nutrition: Doing these race rehearsals at 50 degrees, I just don't sweat like I would when race day is likely to be significantly warmer. I stopped 6 times to pee on the bike and that was with reduced fluid intake from what was planned. I know the 2 bottles per hour works for me (my stomach seems to take any liquid or gel I throw at it) and I won't be stopping during the race, it just gets annoying to stop so often during a race rehearsal. I hit my hydration targets on the run and the fluids were handled well.

The RR was a confidence booster and I'm ready to start writing my race plan which I hope to have posted by Monday or Tuesday.

I'd gladly welcome your feedback, suggestions and I thank you in advance for reading my post. Look forward to meeting you all in CDA.

RR#2 Plan
Half Day vacation on Wednesday. Done instead of Saturday due to business travel over next 6 days.

Goals: validate again the .75 IF for bike, reduce VI from last race rehearsal, build my confidence that I'm ready.

Tuesday: Masters swim at the 50m pool

3:45 AM Bfst 3 cup applesauce, 1 scoop whey protein, 1 banana, sports drink. (normally would do 3 hour prior to start time)
Tires at 110PSI. Race day EN top and race tri shorts.
5:10 AM Depart for Foothills Trail head
5:20AM Start Biking or as soon as light enough
First 20-30 minutes 190-200 W
Remainder until 112 miles 207W (IF .75) Aim for VI < 1.03 Cadence 80-90. Aero entire way.
Watch laps every 9.33 miles (1/12 of 112)
2 bottles perform/hour. Roctane/45 minutes or 6 total. Refill out of car as needed.
RR Course Foothills trail and then Orville Rd out to Eatonville and back and get remainder distance on foothills trail
11:20AM or sooner. Finish 112miles. Lock up bike at car. Transition to run. (no more than 5 minutes)
Miles 1-3 8:55/mile Out the Foothils Trail (Tell yourself to run slow, slow it down, your watch isn't broke, slow down)
Miles 4-6 8:15/mile Return on Foothills Trail (Does this pace feel good, it is faster than Z1 by 25 sec)
Fuel belt: 4oz or ½ of one bottle perform per mile (3 bottles total). Gu at 29:30 into run (race plan) may forego as near end of RR.

Back to work as you only took ½ day vacation. Refuel, hydrate, feet up


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    Good work, Jason. IIRC, the Trail has a gradient of 1-2%, so If you went the last three miles downhill, that 8:15/mile is about right for an LRP of 8:40-ish. I find I'm +/- 20-30 sec above or below my target pace on my local 1-2% local rail trail, going up vs down. EG 8:40 vs 9:30 on an LRP of 9:07

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    Jason, your NP/AP was really inpressive. I have been trying to dial mine in and seeing your numbers gives me hope. I know what you're saying on the run. I too have to really hold myself back and am thinking of walking the AS. I also look at it as a good time to get in the nutrition I need. Great job man.
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