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Help! IMCDA in 2 weeks

About 2 weeks ago, during the long run my left foot started to hurt a bit. Not PF but at the number 1 metatarsel head right behind the big toe. I though it might have been my shoes so I changed to my Hokas for the next several runs. Well it's gotten progressively worse. After yesterdays long run I can barely walk on it. 

My question is...with the race looming in 2 weeks, would I be better off standing down as much as possible to heal or should I get in what I can based on what the foot will allow. I have the RR2 tomorrow, but if I stress it out for 7 hours tomorrow will I have a chance to heal before June 29th? I have my nutrition down for the race, I have the confidence that I can do the 112 at the recommended IF. I realize that the RR2 is the most important WO of the build but getting to race as healthy as possible is pretty important as well.


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    Are you saying you can;t bike without pain? Would moving the cleats back help?

    Given your history of overuse injuries, not running is probably a good idea. If you want to consult with a great Podiatrist in the Tacoma area, Dr. P Yearian is the guy. He's a runner, and has treated many of us for all sorts of foot problems. He;s an excellent diagnostician, and can advise you given your circumstances.

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    I would not do the RR2 and would just not run until the race itself.  You won't lose that much in 2 weeks.  Instead of road running do some pool running (in the deep end). I'm not a doctor nor do I know you and your fitness so listen to a doctor and your body first and foremost.

    I have just had a set back myself in my left foot - diagnosis is old fracture but current sesamoiditis (one of the two sesamoid bones under the ball of the left big toe).  I have 10 weeks to IM LOU and am starting over on the run (was doing really well too)  - started back this morning and only ran 20 minutes - cautious optimism at this point.  I'm just training harder for the swim/ride and hoping for the best on the fun. Follow up is in 3 weeks and if it's not better (i.e., managed pain) he wants to do an MRI and if the fracture has resurfaced (?) then I'm out for the season and will have to try again in 2015 after possible surgery on it.

    Don't risk injury for a training day. Not sure if IMCDA is your "A" race or not.....IMLOU is mine so I'm taking it easy to make sure I can do it (albeit slower on the run than I would like).  Hope this helps. Best of luck!


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    I meant do not do the run on the RR2 as long as the foot doesnt' hurt on the bike.
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    I meant do not do the run on the RR2 as long as the foot doesnt' hurt on the bike.
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    Steve - is this pain in the ball of your foot or on top of your foot? Two different things....

    Ball of foot pain directly behind the great toe would suggest sesamoiditis - if this is the case, get an inexpensive pair of THICK insoles from your local Dick's/Sports Authority, and cut out a "C" shape around the ball of your foot to off-set the pressure (let me know if you want pics... this really does help). I actually doubled up and used two insoles in both my bike cleats and my running shoes when I had this issue. There's next to no vascularization to the sesamoid bones - I had a cortisone injection and mine ended up necrotic, so I don't recommend that! Hoka's are now the ONLY shoes I can run in comfortably...

    If the pain is is on the top of your foot behind the great toe, it's probably something like Turf Toe. You'd need to immobilize the joint - find a good PT to tape it up for you - and ice like crazy. Take Al's suggestion of moving your cleats back one way or another to avoid any unnecessary pressure and possibility of flexion/extension at that MCP joint.

    GOOD LUCK!!!
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    Jess- bottom of foot right at or behind the ball of my foot. I am going to adjust my cleats slightly to see if that helps.

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    Steve---So sorry to hear you are experiencing these foot pains. We are all sending positive thoughts for a speedy healing so you are good to go on race day.
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    Have you tried soaking your foot in hot water and Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulfate)? The box I have says it is good for minor sprains and bruises.
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    Hi Steve,

    I sorry about  your set back, two week is a lot of time and hope you find some relief.  

    I concur with Al, a visit to the Dr.

    for what it is worth:  I have  a neuromuscular therapist work on pressure points to release the muscles. One minute there is a pain or cant walk on my foot, then after an hour session the tension is gone along with the pain. Works perfect! 

    here are some web sites to look at:










    Hope you can find an answer




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