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Team Update, June 18th -- The Three Year Plan is Complete!



Welcome to Your EN Weekly Update!

Another Great Weekend of Racing and RESULTS!

Visit the Race Report Forum today!

From the Coaches

The Endurance Nation Three Year Plan for Triathlon Excellence is COMPLETE!

We have a three year plan for making you a much smarter and faster triathlete. Please go here for the introduction and the Year Three page is complete here.

Ironman Lake Placid Guaranteed Slot Lottery is OPEN, closes on FRIDAY!

So far 29 athletes have put their names in the hat and the list reads like a VIP list of TeamEN goodness! Please go here to learn more

2014 Four Keys Pre-Race Talk Schedule

The Coaches will be at the races again this year, delivering their famous Four Keys Talk and teaching athletes how to race every inch of the course. Go here for our complete schedule, register today, and share these events with your friends!

SPECIAL WEBINAR: Power in the Race Prep Phase, and Racing Triathlon, with Power

Many EN members have entered the Race Preparation Phase of their training, with noses firmly stapled to powermeter displays. Still others are racing sprints, Olympics, Half and Full Ironmans every weekend, also with power. Download the complete webinar here 

Camps Update:

  • Ironman Lake Placid Camp Recap -- Super huge THANKS and NICE WORK to everyone in Lake Placid this past weekend. Despite some inclement weather, we had a great learning experience and lots of fun. Maybe too much. Here's the full recap! 
  • Ironman Mont Tremblant, Wisconsin, Lake Tahoe, and Chattanooga camps are coming up! Go here for complete details and registration!
  • Registration for the 2015 Blue Ridge Parkway Camp is open! Go here for details!
  • The Tour of California Training Camp is returning for 2015! Details soon!

**Uniform Update**

Everything will arrive today at Brand Evolutions, our fulfillment company, today and begin shipping out right away!

Coach Chats

From the Race Director

Meet the Team Racing this Weekend!


NEW MEMBERS: Join the Member Master Email List

The Coaches have created an email series to bring you up to speed on all things Endurance Nation over the course of your first ~3mo on the Team. If you haven't done so already, please visit the New Member page here and sign up to receive this email series.

Thanks again for choosing Endurance Nation!

Rich and Patrick

Your Endurance Nation Coaches

PS - Remember, we're here to help you 24/7 via our
support email service. Don't be shy!


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