Carrying Infinit powder during IM
Hi folks, my plan is to use the regular strength Infinit during IMC. I have used it mixed with Carbo Pro to make each bottle 475 cal successfully for the past 6 IMs. I will start with 2 bottles and plan to carry powder to make 2 more bottles. Anyone does that instead of having additional bottles in the SN bag? If so how do you carry them? Can you mix with water without stopping? If i put them in the ziplock bags, i dont think they fit in my EN tri top pocket as it is too small. I used to use the big Speedfil bottle, but have changed to a regular size bottle to carry less weight. I am trying to eliminate any admin time during the race as much as possible, thus exploring different options. Thanks for your help!
In my run bag I have 2 bottles and put 1 in my top and fill the first one in T2. When that is empty (after about an hour), I fill the next one at an aid station.
I have 2 more empty bottles in Run SNs.
It means you have to stop to fill them but the drink is cool (instead of having warmed up all day) and you don't have to carry the extra weight of full bottles.
I did try and use ziplock bags but I found that was too fiddly and I spilled plenty of the powder and it took too long to get the powder into the bottle and then to fill with water.
I see it as, simplify everything to a point that you do not have to think. Cause we all know, you cant really think well on mile 12 of the run.
Great thread!
Thanks so much for asking and all of you who offered input.
I am getting ready for Lake Placid and was wondering about how to mix/prepare my Infinit. This helps a lot!
I've done it two ways. This weekend in IM CDA, I will have one bottle of 400 cal of Infinit already mixed in my SN bag. Temps will be in the 60s on the bike, so I'm not worried about heat exposure. Some people have placed bottles in a freezer overnight for the SN bag, and report it stays cold for hours that way.
In a hot race (Kona), I have put the powder in a bottle, and made sure I grabbed a water bottle at the aid station before SN, which I then take 20 seconds or less to pour into bottle when I pick it up in SN, to have the mixture be cooler than it might be sitting in the bag all morning.
With all the other $$$ we spend on a race, $ for one or two water bottles is no different than $ for the Inifnit itself and other nutrition we bring along. Besides, I'm always getting freebie bottles from here or there, which I save to throw away during IM races… I have two such bottles which are being "retired" this weekend, after years of service on my shelf at home.
I carry Infinit on the run in 600 ml bottles. I practice during my long runs and seems natural now.
@ Yasko — Ooops. I didn't realise. I should have read your post more closely.
I do use Infinit on the bike (3 bottles), and have 3 bottles in SN — all pre-mixed.
Ok, thx.
I am thinking I will need to carry my own liquid on bike and run because I am not doing well yet in race or in practice with the Heed that will be on the course.
It takes the thinking out of it — which I find hard to do after about 8 hours of continuous exercise!