Time savings from shaved legs
I don't know which forum is correct for this, but since the video claims that shaving has a signifcant impact on speed, it seems comparable to many of the gear choices we make.
Take a look. I'm interested in everyone's thoughts:
I'm with Paul on this one. I was, however, surprised at the results they found.
There's an article in this months Triathlete that supports their claim. In the article they recorded a 15 watt increase with shaved legs. Doesn't really help the ladies.
I don't think shaving increases one's watts. Probably what they mean is for the SAME watts, the speed is higher, or for the SAME speed, the watts are lower. But no way will simply shaving make my FTP higher.
I'm in the skeptics' camp. and also the camp which notes that aero benefits increase geometrically with arithmetic increase in speed. So if true, it is FAR more benefit for someone going 25 mph than, say, 19. Take gains reported for pros or other fast bikers with a large grain of salt, like extrapolating animal studies to humans.
I'd like them to do the same study on some TT/tri bikes.
For triathletes, another reason to shave is that I've ripped out hair with the wetsuit before. Don't ask me how, but I've done it!
For me, shaving is like putting on the race wheels, etc., the "it's time to RACE" mentality!
Scott's video is a great piece: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZnrE17Jg3I Specialized's wind tunnel test is the proof in the pudding. They averaged 70sec saving on a 40km test with a road bike at what appeared la-d-da speeds. So for the unshaved joe IM thats 5.25 minutes savings, at the sharp end that could be 6-7-8 minutes? About equal to using an aero helmet vs not. Given that I've never shaved and I'm at least 8 on the chewbacca scale, no question I'm shaving for races now.
Sorry, couldn't help it.