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James RR IMCDA 2014

well here goes

 I got home from work yesterday and saw my bike case still unpacked  and it reminded me that i still need to write out my Race Report before i forget what really transpired- as the stiffness subsides so does the memories of just what really happened and looking at the data etc made me think about just what i felt like on the day and days preceding the race.

Just to set the tone i developed a nagging cough and congestion about 2 weeks prior to the race which gave me a little bit of trouble in the breathing department but didn't feel that it would give me such trouble on the race as i did the RR without much issue in fact i felt the race rehearsal went very well as i got better on dialing my nutrition,fluid and salt intake along with my pacing on both the bike and especially the run


felt the best i have felt in the water even considering the conditions..just stayed smooth and relaxed kept counting strokes 1 2 3 brace for impact ( i drank my share of the lake) and had no cramping on the first loop,minimal contact and got out at 42 mins and thought wow maybe i can get under 1:20 but the winds picked up and ended up at 1:29..not horrible  but not to my ability. did have issue on cramping on second loop as i was looking for the red buoy for the left turn(gone) i got some extra hydration and both hamstrings just curled up-kinda scarey cause i guess i was still thirsty and proceeded to drink more of the lake. got my bearings back and coasted in the back leg to the chute 


passed the strippers and found my bag  little slow on getting all dressed but better than last year... off to the bike stopping for a little sunscreen ...started my power tap cyclopops and garmin 910 off i went.darn garmin decided to ask if i wanted to calibrate i said yes and it thought and thought so i stopped and re set the multisport function so i could get correct data..at this point i started feeling like my heart was working a litte to hard given the the work i was doing 140bpm


backed way off on  the work to get my rate down but it never did come down to where i wanted it so i started my nutrition hoping this would help ..after the Mojo in town i hit the hills and tried to not spike my watts and getting on track with infinite and water every 10 minutes as i did in RR but heart rate never did come down with the exception of the long fast down hills..the winds were pretty bad and slowed my downhill speeds way down as i found myself moving 1-2 feet either way suddenly and i noticed i was getting sore on the shoulders and arms from holding on so tight.. on the second loop i grabbed my last feed bottle at mile 65 and off i went i just figured that my heart rate was what i was and to live with it..rest of the bike pretty much the same as the first loop but i think i lost track of my fluids to wash down the infinate because i would just fill up my speed fill at each aid station but i felt ok and kept drinking every 10 minutes as planned


legs little wobbly off the bike grabbed my bag and out in a pretty good time for me ..re upped my sunscreen and started the run

Run 5:35:54

as i started the first hill in town looked at my heart rate and it was at 160 so i slowed way down trying to get it in a manageable area and after  about a mile or so walking and jogging it came down to 120ish so i got back to my all day pace +30 and enjoyed the first 6 or so miles drinking the perform and water every aid station ..then the wheels seemed to come off . The next 6 miles back into town sucked..heart rate all over the board and never got down below 145-150ish and sometimes spiking to 160-170 close to my lactate threshold pace around mile 10 i started to feel funny...not light headed but just foggy so i started a run walk program..more walk then i started to throw up(im sure the homeowners didn't mind me on all fours in their lawn marking my territory. I have never thought about quitting a race until that day but the sight of all the EN team toughing it out made me not want to embarrass them(and the words of encouragement from them helped so much THANKS) anyway i did finish the race and all the pain went away as i ran down toward the chute hearing "you are an Ironman" as it always does..im not quite sure why i struggled so much this race but another one in the books and looking forward to Maryland in september(yep just a glutten for punishment) Glad i was able to race with the best team around and hope to see you all soon

i did weigh myself after the race  and was almost exactly the weight i was that  morning so i think my fluids and calories were pretty good just cant figure the heart rate thing out

here are the stats from the garmin some don't make sense 





Elevation Gain: 4,150 ft
Elevation Loss: 4,199 ft
Min Elevation: 2,012 ft
Max Elevation: 2,345 ft

Heart Rate



Avg HR: 136 bpm
Max HR: 201 bpm
Training Effect<a title="What is Training Effect?" onclick="jQuery('#detailsSummaryBox').css('z-index','20000'); getElementById('trainingEffectTipsPopup').style.display = 'inline';" style="color: #3669da;"><img alt="" src="http://connect.garmin.com/api/activity/component/details/style/images/information.gif" style="border: none;" /></a></span>:</td>
Time: 5:34:46
Moving Time: 5:30:04
Elapsed Time: 5:34:59
Avg Pace: 12:47 min/mi
Avg Moving Pace: 12:36 min/mi
Best Pace: 1:38 min/mi




Heart Rate


Avg Power: 134 W
Max Power: 349 W
Max Avg Power (20 min): 175 W
Normalized Power (NP): 148 W
Intensity Factor (IF): 0.642
Training Stress Score (TSS): 289.4
Work: 3,395 kJ


Avg HR: 133 bpm
Max HR: 181 bpm
Training Effect<a title="What is Training Effect?" onclick="jQuery('#detailsSummaryBox').css('z-index','20000'); getElementById('trainingEffectTipsPopup').style.display = 'inline';" style="color: #3669da;"><img alt="" src="http://connect.garmin.com/api/activity/component/details/style/images/information.gif" style="border: none;" /></a></span>:</td>


% of Max



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