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Ruth Ann's CAC Report

The long and the short of it??? DNF on the swim.

As you've heard, the current was crazy!  I wasn't expecting that strong of a current, and despite having done training swims of 2.4 miles in under 1:40 (calm open water), and my usual buffer of 20-30 min to account for different water conditions/sighting/dealing with others... I fully expected to get out of the water and onto the bike.

My 1/4 mile splits were telling...

1) 7:44 (with current)

2) 9:11 (with/cross current)

3) 12:03 (starting against current)

4) 15:51 (continuing against current)

wait for it...

5) 24:08 (holy where did that come from?)

6) 33:48  (a few more minutes to the next buoy... turned into a few more few more minutes...)

then back to better...

7) 14:44 (aahhh)

8) 12:34 (ok, that's better)

9) 15:27 (now this is interesting to navigate...wait, that's a boat making waves... crap...)


Mentally, I was READY... Positive... never gave up.

Even when I got pushed away from a buoy I had to get around, I turned back and swam into the current to round the buoy as was appropriate.

I've heard that some people didn't round all the buoys... I can't control that.

All I know is that I'll be working on my swim strength and conditioning and more open water skills.  I didn't finish this one, but I'm not defeated...


Cheers all!


Ruth Ann



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    Pre-race... I "was" ready image... calm... enjoying every minute of it!

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    Ruth Ann, you can't even compare that swim to anything remotely resembling a 2.4 distance swim. It was interesting seeing your numbers because I had the same kind of results:
    1 7:59.8
    2 10:02.8
    3 11:03.7
    4 16:09.6
    5 20:18.0
    6 9:12.1
    7 13:57.3
    8 13:43.7
    9 4:24.8
    These are 500 yard intervals. If you look at the Garmin map, it's really interesting how you can absolutely see why it was so screwed up!
    I feel so bad for you because depending on who "got you" coming out of the water, some people were allowed to continue even if they
    didn't make the cutoff! Total mess! And yes, I saw several people going inside the buoys - especially the one by the AC Expressway bridge!
    Good for you for having a great attitude. You certainly are NOT defeated - just more determined:-)
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    I agree with Carol Ruth Ann. Take that swim experience and throw it out the window because you are unlikely to see anything like that on another 2.4 mi swim... Certainly keep working on your swim, but don't let that crazy course get you down...
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