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early risers

 Maybe its a bad idea I don't know, but I was thinking this morning lying in bed deciding not to ride the rollers that it would be easier with people to ride with.  Just with a simple sign up sheet that you sign when you get up to workout to notify that you're moving or something, I don't know.... Any thoughts or too complicated/needy?  I guess motivation is what I'm looking for when I plan an early morning workout because I love the mornings.  So........



  • This morning I was with Kevin Lanahan running long.  We met at my house at 5:40 which means that he was running my 5:25 or so.  If you were in bed after about 5:25 this morning or about any other weekday morning you can pretty safely assume that myself and a bunch of others are up and doing something and thinking that you are worthless and weak and need to get your lazy a$$ out of bed and get to it. 

    Does that help?

  • Hi Dan,

    Are you on FB? If so, be sure to friend all us EN peeps. If not, open an account and start friending away. There's a cadre of us, including Coach P, who check in most mornings (at ~ 5am) with a yawn, and a post about what workout we're about to do. It's fun, and it does help knowing your team peeps are getting it done at the crack.


  •  Chris,

    Suck it up I guess.  Clifton Park?  I know where you live!!! Tough crowd here!  I guess I'll send my misery elsewhere!  Thanks for the kick in the tail.


  •  Linda, 

    Thanks for the idea, I am not on facebook, I'm on EN too much as it is!!!!!  But, I may become a member.


  • Dan,

    I hear you about the early morning and motivation at times.  The team motivation helped in the OS but as that wraps up posting it somewhere might be a help.  The facebook option seems to be one way to go.  I'm not sure I am consistent enough with my schedule to get on a sign up sheet.  My recent post in the club house for the weekly weigh is an example of sleeping in. 

    Personally I can go morning, noon or evening with workouts but am finding getting up earlier is a way to ensure that the workout gets done.  The only downside of a few early am workouts was the trainer in our kitchen apartement and my wife not sleeping through.   I was supposed to be getting SAU's in the OS not losing them.



  • I'm a morning worker-outer too and have often pictured my fellow EN-ers simultaneously working out with me in the pre-dawn hours in order to motivate myself. Agree with Gordon that the OS group was a good motivator because I felt accountable to them in posting about my workout that day. If I had a nifty iPhone I might be inclined to check-in with peeps as I rise but as of now my phone is only able to be used for, well, phoning.
  • I would not classify myself as a morning person, an early-riser, or any other euphemism that might suggest that I have any natural disposition to pre-dawn workouts. All that being said I'm up most mornings bright and early, more often dark and early. Now that I am used to it, it is not really that much of a struggle, however the only way that I was able to get into the routine in the first place was essentially do to Mutual Assured Destruction. Another local athlete and I will plan to hit our morning workouts together, I suspect he does not want to do them most mornings, I know that I certainly don't almost every morning, but the knowledge that if I don't get out of bed I'm going to leave someone out there hanging and waiting for me means that I have not missed a single morning yet. We've pulled in a few other people into the mix now, but the moral of the story is much like everyone else has mentioned, get other people involved, whether it be through facebook, or with a real person, tell someone that you are going to hit your workout and make yourself accountable if you don't. That gets me out of bed, just barely.

  • Posted By Dan Forbes on 08 Apr 2010 01:02 PM


    Suck it up I guess.  Clifton Park?  I know where you live!!! Tough crowd here!  I guess I'll send my misery elsewhere!  Thanks for the kick in the tail.


    Tough crowd? Nah, mellow crowd...you just seemed like you needed a little tough love.  Bottom line is that most of us do the vast majority of our training alone.  For the past however many years I did 99% of all running and riding by myself. One of the greatest things about EN is that you know that while you are alone on the road at o dark thirty running long, you know there are a bunch of others that are doing the same thing to prepare for the same race.  I am not part of an IM group this year but we used to always post data/reports/thoughts from long runs, bike intervals, sat and sun nonsense etc.  It helped not only with motivation but with accountability... NEMO is watching or something like that.  Besides it makes it more fun.

  • @Chris  No worries brother, I get busted all the time.  Even now, I just got done riding with someone who hasn't done any bike training all winter, I go out on a ride with him expecting to drop in in the second half of the ride, and he's on my ass.  Man, I felt like a POS.  Get home, and find out that my back brake is all but engaged.  At least my power numbers were up!  Bring the tough love, I was coached by my father for most of my formal years, our family wasn't the cuddly type either....  thanks buddy!


  • ditto what Linda said...join FB and you can race join the fun helping P with his math.
  • Posted By Chris G on 08 Apr 2010 04:21 PM
    It helped not only with motivation but with accountability... NEMO is watching or something like that.  Besides it makes it more fun.

    Rest assured, Nemo is always watching !!!  


    Seriously though, the EN accountability thing is huge for me too.   If I know motivation is low I'll post my plan to the group here (in the JAN OS group, Woman's Forum, Injured Athlete thread, whatever) and ask them to hold me accountable.  That has helped me more times than I can recall!

  • I am a morning workout-er too.  I am normally good to go, but, I have started to lose motivation the last week or so of this 20 week cycle - 20 weeks is a long time.  Although, it is time to get dialed back in for another week because NOLA is next weekend.

    On another note...I would surely feel a lot like an 'official' EN-er if I had my EN tri top!

    Nothing like some new piece of equipment to get you motivated to charge out the door at o-dark-30!

  •  @Nemo, well, knowing this, I did literally roll out of bed this morning and found my bike to be on the rollers....I figured what the hell, and hour of The Sufferfest and now I am set for the day!  Thanks Nemo!!!!


  • Awesome Dan!! The power of EN works it's magic again!
  • For an extra sbux a month, I can call you at 5am everyday. a "motivational" wake up call service...

  •  Well, if my wife answers the phone and you hear a baby in the background, you're on your own!

  • Dan the great thing about Patricks approach is once the phone has rung and your wife is up he has an option to hang out and participate or hang up, you on the other hand only have one option if you're still in da haus, you will participate in that conversation! You could of course already be out the door and riding by then! Me I'm a lazy wuss and I work out in the evenings after work as I am at my desk no later than 6:15 avery morning and just don't see me moving early enough to get it done before then. Besides the few times I have appeared at 4am in the pool it is busy, can't believe that many dumba$$es ain't got nothing better to do at that time of day!
  • MIke,

     Well, if the sun was up by then I would be out the door, but its still dark here until about 6:30 and I'm usually done by then.  In other words, I'd be DEAD.

  • When I have trouble, I just imagine all the EN peeps in their underware. Oh wait... Thats for public speaking. I have to get up 2 or 3 mornings early to get the run in. Its fun when the baby wakes up 2-5 times at night. I'm just counting them down. 11 weeks left x 3 times per week. Only 33 more times getting up at 5:15. yeah!
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