I am able to complete my training leading up to IMMT; however, I have been struggling with motivation lately. Last year, I was pretty pumped up about the entire experience, yet this year, I dread getting on the bike or counting endless laps. Any books or websites or advice would be appreciated.
Hi Stephanie,
See my answer to your post in the Macro Forum.
Regarding your motivation issues...yeah, that's tough, especially in the last 3-5wks before an IM. The Phunometer is definitely pegged. What has worked for me:
I think we all have ups and downs with motivation - don't feel like you are alone in that regard!
I personally seem to go in cycles. As I start a build phase, everything is great, I'm excited about the workouts, ... Usually I have a down cycle right after testing. I try to go with the new numbers, everything feels hard, I suddenly feel plateaued, motivations sags... Some cycles have higher highs and lower lows. That is just me.
I don't know if you have a group to train with, but I would highly recommend finding one if you don't. Just having plans to meet and start riding at 5:00 am on a Saturday guarantees that I show up ready to go... I don't want to be "that guy" that doesn't show up for the ride. We have a fairly large group, and we are training for different races using different training plans... but we start together a couple days each week, some of us ride / run together, others I see sporadically as we do loops or we finish together. This helps me a lot.
Another trick that I use is to ride/run/swim someplace new... just changing the course and seeing something different helps me enjoy the session more. After doing a new/different route, it helps look forward to the next session.
Sometimes I buy an audio book that I only allow myself to listen to while running (this helps a ton on the treadmill... I really hate the treadmill. Sometimes I do the shorter run workouts during lunch...
Almost anything you can do to mix it up and see other people will get you going again.
Don't get discouraged - it will improve!
My favorite motivational video (which I run though my head when I'm low on motivation and the sky is still dark):
Thanks for the advice,
I did an ows in Walden Pond yesterday and THOREAULY enjoyed it! I am a Henry David Thoreau fan so swimming in the very waters he did over 150 years ago was a thrill. I imagined Henry David chillin' in Massachusetts deepest fresh water kettle lake/pond ( over 400ft deep) thinking about the essence of life. Good stuff. I will return tomorrow with my girls, a kayak and a good attitude!
Again thanks,
Great video! Wow. Thanks so much!
Reading Walden was a highlight of high school.