3rd shift schedule questions
My Endurance Nation Peeps,
I’m in desperate need of some guidance. I have a lot of questions, but they are really all around altering the planned workout schedule. I definitely feel like I'm getting stronger faster and smarter training wise. My Garmin 910 has really become my coach on my wrist guiding me along the way with beeped out instructions to pick up the pace etc. Loving it!! I didn’t know my Garmin could do all that.
I’m so glad today is a rest day. I was definitely in need of a break. I’m the grind myself into the ground type, so a “forced” rest day is brilliant. I felt like I was headed for a wall, but couldn’t stop the train. I work third shift, so most of my training days are after working all night and I’m only getting three to four hours of sleep per day.
Although I have what is supposed to be a comfortable saddle (Bontrager Hilo RXL), I have a high level of saddle discomfort with tenderness and crotch sores. My question is due to my inability to sit comfortably on the bike is it okay to move this week around where I move the bike test to Thursday and do the run test on Tuesday? I’m looking to make some bike changes to the cockpit and by then my crotch will have healed (hopefully). I have been fitted on the bike, and I continue to tweak here and there as suggested.
Also I have concerns that I’m doing my long weekend work after working all night. My Saturday and Sunday mornings are actually Wednesday and Thursday. These are the two mornings where I get a full night’s sleep.
My other question is can I restructure my week to include my Saturday morning Lucky’s Lake swim? As it stands now, I end up doing a triathlon of sorts every Saturday. I work all night Friday till 7am. Then I’m off to swim at least a 1000 meters across the lake. Then I head home to get my kids to basketball games at 10am (bonus SAUs). After their games end around 3pm, I still have the EN run/bike workout left. After doing the EN bike workout, I try to get some semblance of sleep before having to work that night at 11pm. I don’t have enough time to skip Lucky’s Lake swim in lieu of the EN workout before my kid’s basketball games. I also really really really look forward to my Saturday morning lake swim and don’t want to give it up.
I wish I had a simple Monday thru Friday 8-5 job, but that is far from my reality. Is it as easy as just shifting the schedule forward? I’m really enjoying the structured plan and being able to view it on my mobile device only one day at a time. My training decision fatigue has been greatly reduced. I’m currently on week 4 of the beginner’s Ironman training for Arizona.
I know this is a long and winded email, so any help would be appreciated. In one of your podcasts you state that you’ve seen every type of training schedule imaginable, so I’m hoping you have some sage advice.
Glad you are reaching out. Super important that you take 1 day a week off. That little sleep is going to hurt you long term (fitness and lifestyle-wise) and it's just not worth it. I suggest you plan on one day off each week, see below for my version unless you have a better option!
Re your saddle…no such thing as a comfy one…only one that works for you!!!
We are working on a Minimalist Ironman Plan right now, so here's the light version until it's live for you to see / print / modify (very soon):
Mon - FTP Ride (will be a VO2 ride, but FTP for now, you can just repeat it), short brick run.
Tues - Swim only day, go a bit longer here.
Wed - Saturday long bike, brick run.
Thu - Long Run
Fri - Day OFF
Sat - Lake Swim, afternoon FTP ride, can be on trainer.
Sun - Interval Run.
This gets you 3 quality bikes, 2 quality runs + 2 brick runs, 2 good swims.
Let's start here…let me know what you think!
Hi Patrick,
Hi Coach,
Sorry for the late reply, my dear aunt passed recently and I've been quite busy. I don't have a power meter so FTP won't work for me. Are yout talking about the zones? I have adjusted my schedule (roughly) using your recommendations and it has helped. I don't feel like I'm headed for a burn-out. I just miss the looking at the schedule and knowing what I have to do automatically. I have to do a lot more managing (cut and pasting) of my workouts now. I'll keep you posted as to how it's working.
I am glad the modifications are working for you...sorry it's not more straightforward!
Hey Patrick,
I have been following your revised program with some great success. Although working 3rd shift and having my weekend days on Wednesday and Thursday has been tough, I've been able to adhere to this schedule with good success. All I've been doing is taking the current weeks workout say long bike and substituting it in for the applicable day. I must admit the 7 hour training days have come with great sacrifice. The main thing that concerns me is will my knees hold up at this rate? I started running with knee bands to protect them, but I still get sharp pains every now and again. Too many years of basketball, and probably not running at optimum form.
I just so happen to see the minimalist Ironman program that you talked about posted. With about 11 weeks to go should I switch to this program or stay on course with the Ironman beginner program that I have been following? I often wonder if you have any age specific programs (I'm 49), or is the Ironman beginner program for all beginners regardless of age?
Getting so close to the main event IMAZ, I just don't want to do overdo it and get an injury so close to my main race. Advise?
You might want to look into a lair of Hoka One One shoes as well --- they are super cushioned and nicer to the heavier runner (over 175 lbs).
We don't have any age specific programs, but the over 50 crowd definitely rests when needed. Remember it's not about any one workout it's what you do day after day that builds you up and gets you ready!!
Thanks Patrick,
Your advice is well appreciated. I have not seen anyone regarding my knees. I have the 110% icing system that I haven't used since moving to my new place. I have been getting massages and acupuncture as of late. Also, I did use chiropractic care which seemed to help too. I'll need to get more aggressive with the post knee care and be careful with my runs.
All in all, I feel like I'm just about ready for IMAZ, just don't want anyting tragic to happen being so close.