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IMMT training week 18 adjustments


Flying home from China Thursday July 21. I will be back in Detroit that same evening due to the 12 hour gain. I am suppose to do RR on Saturday but have a weekend trip to the wife parents house. No Chance to ride or run. Here is what I was going to do:

Shorten the long run Thursday to 60 minutes. Assemble the bike Thursday night.

Friday RR best i can with the crazy jet lag.

Weekend off.

Need your thoughts.



  • Pat, okay...as long as you promise to be SAFE! The RR is just about time spent riding, riding STEADY and then making sure the nutrition is good. I suggest:

    1 - you get the anti jet lag plan in place (melatonin, what?).
    2 - you order / have all nutrition ready for you at your house when you get there.
    3 - you try to recruit a riding buddy, even if for part of the session, so you aren't alone.

    Then the weekend off to adjust...very exciting!!
  • Hi-jacking Pat's thread:

    I'm doing my RR at the same time as Pat, in the same location, and I think Eric will be around to kinda be SAG for me at some point, so we promise to make sure Pat stays wheels-down-and-helmet-up for as long as we can! :-))))

    Pat: I think you already have Eric's phone number, but it is 248-974-8744 if you need anything while you're out in the Kensington/Island Lakes area!
  • Got it. Eric dropped me a note on FB. I am starting at the top of the hill in Kennington . I am shooting for wheels rolling at 6am. I hope to see you out there, I cant keep up with you so i will wave as you by. 

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