Home OutSeason (December '09)

Uh, Where did everybody go?

Just thought I would drop something into this group since nobody is checking in!  I hope that everyone is doing well and training hard.  I switched over from the OS into the intermediate HIM plan a few weeks back and have been killing myself to get ready for Kansas.  Finally been nice enough to get out and enjoy some rides here in Colorado the last couple of weeks (between blizzards and inland hurricanes)!  How is the training going group?



  • Mike - I thought I would put something in instead of leaving you hanging...I jumped to the HIM plan early in March to get prepped for NOLA this coming Sunday, the 18th.  I am guessing most of our OS peeps have jumped into other plans as well.

    OS did a LOT of good for me...I am excited to get back into it earlier next year so I can get the full 20 weeks + a solid transition week...I am going to build my season forward from there to ensure this!

    You getting dialed in?

  • Hi Mike - still in OS here! On week 18 next - think the issue is that we all started at different times in Dec & got a tad 'scattered' around plus you guys that finished OS early, hence not a lot of posts here unfortunately.
    Looking forward to getting out of OS now - biggest issues for me has been weekly planning & scheduling enough recovery periods, especially as I'm a swimming noob that has needed 3 swim sessions a week to reach any sort of standard. Had some weight issue too - lost loads but I have gained a little back; I think I misinterpreted training fatigue for low-carb intake so upped the proportions, of course work-load stayed similar........
    I guess I've got one full week (wk 18) then its an easier week before hitting week 20 testing.Just had to have 2 days off due to a bad head cold but came back today with fresh legs for a good 90mins run at HMP + incl my TP interval sessions - made such a difference to run on fresh legs! :-)

    Keep up the work folks!
  • Hi Mike,

    I have moved over to 12 wk IM.

  • @Stephen, Good Luck this weekend in NOLA.  Ought to be a blast.


  • Just starting Week 18 here. Been busy getting a few run and cycle races plus life and such. Riding outside is soooo nice, but if I need to get the specific intervals done I still find it easier to do A x B' (C') on the trainer. I'd have to drive over an hour to get an uninterrupted steady ride.

    @Stephen - Represent EN & DEC OS in NOLA!!
  • Still haven't ridden outside here. Although it's starting to get a tad warmer, so there's hope. I'm in wk 19 with a trip to sunny Texas this weekend to get in some riding. I can't wait to leave the cold and snow behind. I plan on doing a week on transition and a few week of general race prep before stepping into 12wk HIM plan for Boulder. I am ready to get outside and not have pasty, white skin.
  • Hey Mike,

    Still with you here!! I'm on week 19 and getting ready to transition soon into a 12 week IM plan for Lake Placid starting on the 3rd of May. I had some amazing results both in numbers and confidence this OS. I have jumped in on some group rides and am now riding off the front instead of getting dropped like last year. Also, run pacing in our long Sunday group runs has been good as well.

    Really looking forward to getting in on the OS a little sooner next year (can't actually believe that I said that about the OS).

    Hope that you had similar results and you have a great race season.

    Remember, Work Works!!!
  • *just edited my message - FOUND IT!   Had to change my plan to "reinsert myself" after the amember glitch.  Patrick fixed me up yesterday but I ended up reset with no plan so I had nothing to do image   It's all good now.   Yikes!  I only have 6 weeks till my half IM!

    Happy to report that my race series concluded last week too and I was 9th overall out of 57 riders and was 1st overall for the Sprint Competition - my highest spring stage yielded almost 12watts per kilo with 900watt final sprints in the last few stages.  All that suffering in the Haus paid off


  • Congratulations Tavis. Sounds like a funner way to prep for your HIM than sittinside on the trainer! Great job on the Sprint Competition.
  • Nice job Tavis!

    As far a cycle racing goes, I've figured out that the numbers don't lie and if you're south of 3w/kg (as I am) you're gonna get dropped, a lot. That being said, after a few weeks of riding outdoors I can now eyeball WKO+ and put myself at an FTP of 220 so it was a great cycling OS for me.

    I also did not realize how much threshold work is still being done in the IM 12 week plan, so I guess there's still time for a little more gain.

    Great OS everyone. If you're going to IMLP, Eagleman 70.3 or Syracuse 70.3 I look forward to meeting you in person and I wish you all the best with the rest of your season.

    - Cary
  • Thanx Mike / Cary!

    Although a nice little boost for my ego, it doesn't really mean too much for IM type racing - maybe if I was doing crit riding but I don't thnk I'll me coming into transition in Oliver or Penticton pushing 1000 watts image (at least I hope not! lol)

    I actually need to do a retest for FTP to see where I'm at now. The very last "bonus stage" we did was actually the Alpe d'Huez individual time trial course from the 2004 Tour and suffice to say I sucked it big time... took me just over an hour and suffice to say I blew up huge trying to stay with the pack at the beginning so my output dropped by almost 50 watts for the last couple km's - varying between 8% to 12% grade... Not fun to do on a TT bike with an 11/25 in the back!!

    To put things in perspective, Lance did it in 38mins (?!) and our top guy in the series managed a 49:55 averaging around 320watts...

    REALLY humbling when you get to actually "feel" (although simulated) what these guys are doing (and finishing in almost HALF the time!)... but I guess that's why we're not on the pro tour image

    keep crushing it out there folks!!

    Have a great weekend - doing an nice ABP ride down across the border tomorrow morning...
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