vacation austust 8th - 16th
Hi Rich, just wondering what you recommend for the above dates. I am going to try and get my long bike in on Thurs before leaving early Fri (dancing on Friday night at wedding - good workout) and right away when I get back. I will have time to do running during vacation. I will be body surfing a lot - does that count as swimming? Biking is a question mark. I have been trying to rent a nice bike but am not able to locate any stores that provide them in Newport Beach Ca.
By the way: 1'29'34 for Red, White and Boom half marathon - Training Run I am giddy over this result.
Sub 1'30'
Qualified for worlds Standard Du in Australia, but decided not to go because of budget so I can focus on Ironman. know of any sponsors I should check. Training Race
4'55'23' for Chisago half. Did a 99 mile bike ride in 5 hrs the Wed before race. Rested good after that with 1 rest day and 2 light workout days.
Still have pain in left butt on bike because of body imbalance.. I am working at minimizing it and hopefully finding the elusive solution.
Thanks - The "Old Rusty Ironman" Skip Fitting.
Hey Skip
Congrats on your results!
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