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6 Week Countdown

I cannot believe we are down to 6 weeks!  I had a great swim this morning-4000 yards at a comfortable pace. So excited for camp week this week!  How we feeling folks??


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    Wow 6 weeks! Time is flying!

    Awesome job on you swim Lauren! I'm feeling tired but motivated today. I hope you all have an awesome camp week! I will have to wait till race week to meet everyone!

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    Yeehaw!!  Anybody else want to start tapering:o)  Got the swim in today - was probably my favorite workout in the pool we've done thus far...really looking forward to seeing what kind of time I can pull off in the swim rehearsal this week.  Due to work, I can't get Friday off, so coach has me doing the camp Wed-Sun, with Friday as an off day...it's okay to be jealous:o) 

    Threw the new chain and 11-28 cassette on last night; apparently I may need a different derailleur, but can get by if I quit trying to go with the big/big combination:o)  Think I'll be working out some kinks on the first long ride - yippee.  Looking forward to trying that baby out on some hills - guessing I may not spike the HR near as bad as with the 25.

    Have a great week ya'll.


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    Great job on the swim Mark! That 11-28 is going to do wonders for ya in Madison! image And yes-wayyy jealous of that Friday off image

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    I 2nd on the great swim Mark! and I agree with Lauren on the 11-28. When I switched to the 11-28 it made all the difference when climbing.

    I missed my swim yesterday but I did get the 16 min at 3% incline run on the dread mill done. Whew hot and tough. I ended up with 35 min total on the run.

    I did get my bike into the shop yesterday. Apparently when my chain came off it knocked the magnet off my Quarq power crank. So I have power back again. Whew! Pedal bike in Kalamazoo is awesome. They had me in and back out in less than an hour. Great service! Off to the pool to get my swim on!

    Have an awesome day team!
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    A day ahead of you for a few days...did my swim test today in 1:08:58, splits 34:02 and 34:56. 5-6 minute improvement over last year without any swimming in the off season - all that working my ass off in the pool has paid dividends. I'm personally pretty stoked about the time, but after spending last night reading multiple IMWI '13 Race Recaps, I am still quite nervous about the mass start - last year's IMCDA rolling start was quite nice. I have tendency to freak out a bit in some past races, but have hopefully found my solution to staying in my box, even if others won't stay out of it:o)

    Good luck on your swims tomorrow if you are on the camp timeline!

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    112 Ride and 6 Run today. 50 degrees at start, bout 89 finish - wind got crazier and crazier as it got warmer, and quite honestly kicked my ass. I would rather climb a hill than ride into the wind any ole day. Nevertheless, mostly even RPE/HR (mine always stays way low forever without a swim prior) effort throughout 6:24 ride, 28 mile splits of 1:35, 1:35, 1:36, 1:39. 6 Mile run at 9:30 pace throughout, felt like I could have kept it going for a good while with some cold water over the head and in the body. Not what I wanted overall, but will chalk it up to the insistent wind - and have faith in the work I've put in. Praying for a calm day in Madison!

    Looking forward to seeing how others are doing this week!
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    Great workouts Mark! Very solid RR-love the consistency in your run pace! Enjoy some rest now image

    I am up in Madison doing a modified camp week. So far this week I swam my 4000 on Monday, had to take Tuesday off due to some unforeseen circumstances, and knocked out my tempo run Wednesday morning before heading up to Madison for some volume. 105 miles on the course Thursday, then another 107 miles on the course today! I'm exhausted-and do not want to look at my bike seat anymore image But getting up tomorrow to do a quick run (because I haven't done much running all week) followed by (hopefully) another 2 loops-80ish on the bike (if my butt can handle it!). Long run Sunday up here as well. Really enjoying the weekend and cannot wait until race weekend!

    How's everyone else's week going?
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    Nice swim Mark! That is a great time! The rolling start is good a thing. WI has a very large area to spread out and seed yourself at the swim start Staying in your box at the beginning of the swim will be good. Swimmers will spread out rather quickly. Great RR even with adverse conditions. Sounds like you got pacing and nutrition dialed in by evidence of your solid run effort after the ride.

    I'm so jealous Lauren! Sounds like the team is tearing up Mad-town! That is serious volume on the bike! Way cool! Glad it's been awesome so far you you.

    Thursday ran 16 miles in the evening. 1st 8 miles I completed in 1 hour 10 min. Ended up negative splitting the second 8 with a time of 1 hour 4 min. It was a great run and a good boost of confidence for me. My legs were no fresh and I still managed a very solid effort.

    I mixed up the whole camp week due to my work schedule and the pool schedule. I completed the swim rehearsal lst night. I'm about 9 min. off my pevious race performances. I'm usually around a 1:16 I swam 1:25 last night. I need to focus on getting my swims in the next few weeks to get my fitness in check in that discipline.

    I'm heading out the door today (tired but smiling). To get a 100 plus ride in followed by a brick run of 4-6 miles.

    Keep kicking some team!

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    Nice job Lauren, that's serious mileage on the bike.

    I was down in Madison the past couple of days as well. Did 106 on the bike yesterday followed by a 6 mile run. Run felt good even in the mid day heat. This morning did two loops for another 80ish miles. Got to meet coach Rich on the top of the first big hill, don't remember the name of the road.

    My but & bike seat are no longer on speaking terms, so tomorrow is long run only for me.

    Keep up the good work everybody.

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    Mark - really jealous of all the folks in Madison. Looking forward to getting some pointers on key areas from ya'll during race week.

    Lauren - I need your commitment on the bike - I'm getting there but not even close to the mileage you're hitting.

    Got out for my second 112 mile ride today - broke my chain at mile 40 and had to hitch hike 10 miles or so back to my truck - as a result, my faith in our younger generation got a great boost as a high schooler turned around and gave me a ride all the way to my truck after assessing my low hitch hiker risk:o) Hit the bike shop, and learned another lesson in bike maintenance - I wondered what that extra link thingy was on the end of my new chain; apparently it works better than just popping machined pins in and out:o) Couldn't bring myself to head back out on the bike after the 4 hour intermission. Will get long run in tomorrow and look forward to the rest of the plan.

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    Mark S-Great job on all that riding! Those hills are no joke up there-2 days of that is exhausting image And I get the bike seat/butt issue. I don't want to see my bike seat for some time now.

    Mark H-That's a bummer about your chain-but better now then race day! Glad things on the road worked out for ya. Can't wait to hear how the long run went!

    I just got back from my modified epic camp week up in Madison-and I'll tell ya, after this week, I already feel ready to taper. Too bad we still have 3 weeks of solid training before tapering! Ran just under 16 miles today, and it felt FAST on my exhausted legs. Ended up being at my marathon pace, so a Zone 2 the whole run (for me, it was a 9:16 average) but I'm used to doing my long runs at Z1-much slower. Being around so many people up there doing their long runs as well really helped, but I'm just happy to get such a great long run in after roughly 300 miles on the bike over 3 days. I never would have had such a volume without the support of some other EN members up there. Never have I had such an epic weekend of training, and I'll tell you-I'm ready for a day or 2 of rest. Completely exhausted-and HUNGRY! image

    Can't wait to hear about everyone's long runs! image
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    Just returned from today's long run. Legs were sluggish for the first couple miles but after that it felt like I could run all day. Looking forward to a good day of rest tomorrow.

    Mark H. There are just a lot of places to overwork on this course. Up & down the big hills are obvious. I've found that its easy to over do it just before & after those hills. After you go down Garfoot there is a long & fast false flat, your already going fast so its easy to push too many watts there. When you make the right turn onto Old Sauk It's about a mile before you get to the big hill, that section is all slightly up hill. At the top of Old Sauk hill there is a short downhill then right turn & up another short steep hill. Same kind of thing after the big hill on Midtown Rd., it's all up hill until you make the right turn onto Shady Lane. When you get into town & do your recon ride/drive pay attention to these types areas.

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    Great Job training this week Gang!

    I just got back from Madison and the EN IMWI Race Camp with Coach Rich and a whole cast ENer's. What a great weekend! Rode the course once (Stick-Loop-Loop-Stick), rode the Loop twice the next day, swam in Lake Monona this morning and ran most of the run course. Feels good to have touched all the individual components.
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    Mark H- bummer about the mechanical break down glad you got back into town! After 4 hours it would be hard to get am joys enough to start out again.
    Like Lauren said better now than on race day. Mark S hit the nail on the head about the bike course. You want to do your best to make the work even throughout the ride.

    Mark S- Awesome bike/run! Did you meet Coach on the stick out or the first hill on the loop? (Messerschmitt or real big hill old Sauk) Regardless very cool! Glad to hear your run went great!

    Lauren- Awesome training weekend! Great job!

    Rest up team. Tomorrow were 5 weeks out!
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