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IMLOU Week 17

Well here we are in week 17.

My rides the last 2 days were cut short. Boo! One was cut short when I fell over slow motion into the sand. I promptly looked like a sugared covered donut on my right side and my drive train on my bike....well you can guess how that came out. On the bright side it was a good day of humidity training. The other ride was cut short due to storms. The weather man had stated we were going to be at 107 heat index! There were no storms forecasted, but well, the weather man was WRONG!! So my friend and I called a ride to come and get us. Changed clothes and went to breakfast at Cracker Barrel. I would love to tell you I was disciplined and had a sensible breakfast, but that would be a big old LIE!!! I ate luck I hadn't eaten in years. I was miserable the rest of the day! Yea, I paid for it.

Was able to get my swim on this morning and find goggle happiness!! Yay for goggles that do NOT leak!!

2 more big weeks then we start to taper!! Wahooo!!!! Everyone ready to get their taper on?? I know I am!!

Keep the rubber side down!



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     Wk 17 bike test! Even though Sunday's bike workout was green, I did most of it leaving me with tired legs. During today's bike test I totally bombed the VO2 test, still did the FTP test and got a 6 watt bump. Go figure.
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    Hey Mark-

    I thought we were only supposed to do one of the bike tests? The power one? Maybe I am confused!  Oh well. I only did the power test and increased by 14 watts!!! I don't know a lot, but somehow that seems like a huge gain!!  

    Congrats on your increase as well!!! Big day is getting closer!! Wahoo.


    Keep the rubber side down!


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     RR Run in the books. 17.7 miles in 3:10:xx. After a bike test Tue., Zone 4 run intervals on Wed. RR run on Thurs. my legs are pretty shelled. Started run at 4p which is about the time I hope to start on race day, it was 85 deg. which is a little cool for here, but about what it should be in L'ville. Followed fueling plan, but still need a little more fluids for temperature.
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    Great work Mark! The last 2-3 miles of the 3 hour run last night were physically challenging- the mind and will were "all in" to continue moving forward but the muscles in the legs where less than enthusiastic.  No doubt that the legs were shredded from previous workouts, but I pushed on and accomplished the training evolution...even though it felt like I was shuffling the feet/legs to a much faster, and out of synch, arm swing./ Keep up the strong training./ Mike 
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